Published By: Arpita Aadhya

10 Common Acne Skincare Mistakes That Make It Worse: Sensitive Skincare Myths

If you have ever wondered why can't you completely get rid of zits and acne and never figure out where you are going wrong with skincare, take a look at the list below to check if you are doing any of the absolute no-nos for your sensitive acne-prone skin.

Using a harsh cleanser or a physical exfoliant/scrubber

For the longest time, I believed a squeaky clean finish from a cleanser was a sign of how clean my skin is but unfortunately, that isn't the case. Using a physical exfoliant or a scrub is worse; it causes micro-tear to your skin barrier which makes it more prone to acne. It is best to switch to a lighter and gentler cleanser and stay far away from those "apricot" based scrubs or any other physical exfoliants.

Not using a moisturizer

Even if you have acne or sensitive and oily skin, using a lightweight, non-oily gel moisturizer is a must for your skin to be hydrated and plump. Not using a moisturizer will leave your skin bare and attract more germs causing unwanted breakouts.

Using a cotton pillowcase

Cotton pillowcases usually attract a lot more dirt and sleeping on them overnight can always mean more chances of getting a zit. Replace it with silk pillowcases and don't forget to change the covers every week.

Pore clogging products

Acne-prone skin can get easily clogged if you are using heavy cream or greasy oil-based products like coconut balm cleanser every day. Even primers that claim to blur your pores can cause your skin to break out if used regularly.

Using too many active ingredients together

For active acne to dry down, active ingredients like Benzoyl Peroxide or Salicylic acid work wonders but using them all together would do more harm than good. Stick to applying only the products which are targeting specific skin concerns.

Using random internet hack for spot treatment

Different types of zits in your skin require a very different course of action for it to dry down and completely go away. From toothpaste hacks to using DYI home remedies, don't trust random Internet hacks. If you have active acne, best to seek spot treatment from a dermatologist.

Not cleaning makeup applicators

I think we have all been guilty of this one. Who has the patience to clean the makeup applicators but it is the most common source of your zits as it gets exposed to maximum dirt and chemicals and goes back to your face every day. Clean those makeup brushes and sponge once in a week and make sure to keep them away in a clean pouch.

Truth is, as impossible as it sounds, acne and those small zits can be dodged if we can eat healthy, live healthy, drink enough water, and load up the skincare with a simple yet effective cleansing, toning, and moisturizing routine. Just avoid these mistakes and your skin will thank you in no time.