Published By: Sayan Paul

10 signs that your liver is full of toxins

Here's how to identify if your liver is full of toxic substances.

One of the largest organs in the body, liver plays an important role in several bodily functions and keeps you healthy. It regulates your overall metabolic process by detoxifying the body, breaking down fats, producing energy and more. If the toxins start building up in the liver cells, it results in disrupting all of those functions and leading you to some critical health conditions.

Weight gain: If you are becoming obese without any valid reason, then it might indicate that your liver is in trouble. When your liver becomes filled with toxins, it ends up storing all those substances in the fat cells. This leads you to gaining weight.

Abdominal pain: The toxins present in your liver cause inflammation. As a result, you start experiencing pain in the upper part of the abdomen. The pain varies from mild to severe.

Fatigue: Your liver produces energy by converting glucose into glycogen. When toxins build up in liver, it disrupts the process and restricts its energy production. It leads you to fatigue and makes you feel sleepy all the time.

Excessive sweating: Liver plays an important role in the overall metabolism. So, when the liver is in trouble, it results in disrupting the normal functioning of the metabolic process. This makes you sweat more than usual.

Digestive disorder: Liver stimulates the digestion process by breaking down the fats. When the liver is full of toxins, it cannot digest those fatty foods and store the excess fats in the cells.

Jaundice: When your liver gets filled with toxins, it loses its ability to dispose bilirubin (a byproduct of the dead red blood cells' breakdown in the liver). This yellow pigment builds up in your bloodstream and triggers jaundice. As a result, your eyes and skin become yellowish.

Allergies: The toxic substances present in the liver enter the bloodstream. They act as allergens and end up causing itchiness in the skin. At this time, the brain releases chemicals and antibodies to deal with them.

Spider veins: Your liver breaks down the blood clots and removes them from circulation. The process gets restricted when the toxins present in liver ruin its normal functioning. As a result, the clots build up in the veins and lead you to some critical health issues like strokes.

Headache: When the liver is overloaded with toxins, your body cannot clear out the wastages. It creates a tension between the brain tissues and leads you to chronic headache.

Bad breath: The toxins present in the liver also leads you to bad breath. Therefore, if you notice that your mouth smells bad for no valid reason, do consult with a doctor.

So, eat right and do regular exercises in order to keep the liver healthy.