Published By: Sayan Paul

3 Amazing Health Benefits of Scallion

Scallion belongs to the family "Alliaceae" and is also known as Welsh onion in numerous parts of the world.

It can be consumed raw or added to many different types of dishes.

It boasts an incredible nutritional value, offering several benefits to your health.

Scallion is a common ingredient in Korean, Chinese, and Japanese cuisines. It boasts a mild flavor and is used to enhance the flavor of various dishes (especially curries). Also, it contains a good amount of nutrients, and hence, it has been used in medicines for thousands of years.

It contains a compound called allicin which is full of flavors and fragrance. Besides, it also contains dietary fiber, sulfur, vitamin C, flavonoids, calcium, potassium, riboflavin, niacin, thiamine, and more.

Without any further ado, let's have a look at the health benefits it has to offer.

May promote weight loss

Being low in calories, scallion is beneficial for people suffering from obesity. Also, it's rich in dietary fiber which keeps you full for a long time, restricting you from overeating throughout the day. Moreover, the high amounts of thiamine, quercetin and ferulic acid found in scallion prevent the build-up of fat in the body, helping you to lose some of the excess kilos.

May control diabetes

Scallion has a high amount of sulfur which stimulates insulin production, aiding in your body's management of blood sugar levels. It restricts the activities of alpha-glucosidase, which further slows down the absorption of glucose into your bloodstream. Moreover, the antioxidants in scallion prevent oxidative damages, hence reducing your risk of diabetes as well.

May improve heart health

As research has found, scallion inhibits the formation of a clot, and also works against the clogging of the arteries. Hence, it helps blood to flow through all parts of your body. On the other hand, it contains fiber which increases HDL cholesterol levels and helps decrease the levels of LDL cholesterol in your bloodstream. All of these, in turn, aid in your heart's overall functioning. Also, as some studies have indicated, people who eat scallion regularly are at a lower risk of developing cardiovascular disorders.

Besides these, scallion may also promote digestion, boost eyesight, improve liver functions, enhance cognitive skills, aid the functions of the immune system, lower the risk of certain types of cancer, etc.