Published By: Rinks

4 Friendship Warning Signs You Should Watch Out For

When spotting toxic relationships, it appears we've become better at it. But what about friendships? Here are some red friendship flags to watch out for.

Unfortunately, we ignore alarming events and surround ourselves with toxic individuals. Loneliness may be demoralizing, but it can be much more depressing when we try to fill the gap with the wrong people. Regardless, we've got a plan in place. In addition, we'll take a look at some of the other green flags to look for in potential friends.

They Make Fun Of You

After getting insulted by a buddy, how frequently do you hear, "You're too delicate, I was kidding!"? Amicable mockery may undoubtedly be a source of mutual amusement. When subjected to everyday humiliation from a close friend, it's hardly a "unique relationship." When a buddy is nice to you personally but then starts insulting you in a group situation, that's another warning sign. They leave you feeling depleted after interacting with them. This seemingly little symptom might reveal much about your connection with a specific individual. If even a brief exchange with them drains your energy, then this is a friendship that demands more of you than it gives back. Any one-sided connection will never yield a positive return on investment.

They're Always Blaming Each Other

When life becomes too much to handle, we all need someone to talk to and let our feelings out. Because of this, you should not be used as an outlet for your friends' grievances. They want to be in control of you. Do you feel guilty about not spending time with this particular friend? This person has a tendency to make disparaging remarks about the people you're close to, including your significant other. Has someone been working on you about their presence in your life? Then we may be talking with a jealous individual who anguishes you into severing ties with other people to protect themselves.

You're On Pins And Needles When You're Near Them

To avoid offending your friends, you should be careful about what you say. A red flag is raised if your intolerant buddy makes a big fuss about the most trivial situations. It's impossible to relax when you're constantly on your toes because you're constantly on edge. They minimize the importance of your issues. Having a trusted confidant with whom you may vent periodically and receive support in return is essential. It's not always the case, though, regrettably. Even more distressingly, we're told that our difficulties pale compared to theirs. As a result, if you must fight with a friend to gain moral support, that person is not someone you should remain close to.

You Must Explain Your Relationship To Others To Maintain It

No one understands why you're friends with that person, do they? Is your friendship based solely on shaky rationalizations? This is another red signal. What is it about the three of you that keeps you bound together? If so, what is the motivation? There is a possibility that shame or a sense of familiarity is to blame. That's something to ponder if it's anything other than the simple pleasure of spending time with that individual.