Published By: Riya Banerjee

4 Incredible Netflix games that you will love playing!

Did you know that streaming platform Netflix actually has several games that you can play? Then read on to find out more about the best ones..

We all know Netflix as the streaming platform that churns out great films, series and other content to increase their viewership. From the biggest of stars to the biggest franchises, Netflix has become a part of everything and everyone by now. But did you know that this streaming platform also has made some incredible games? Surprising, isn’t it? Well it may not be a very well known fact that Netflix started making games a while back for its viewers to be able to enjoy their favourite content in a more immersed way. If this intrigues you, here we have a list of the best games Netflix has churned out so far…

Stranger Things 1984

Based on the most popular series from the streaming platform, the Stranger Things 1984 will be fun for the fans of this franchise. You will be able to explore Hawkins Lab, the forest and so many more places around Hawkins! You will be solving puzzles as characters such as Hopper, Lucas, Nancy, and Eleven. For some it may be too cartoony but we recommend you play it at least once if you have loved watching the series!

Asphalt Xtreme

If you are an avid gamer, you will know that Asphalt games have been winning hearts for years now. So it was a gala time for all mobile gamers when Netflix decided to partner up with the Asphalt racing series and introduce an adrenaline pumping racing game of their own! If not the cars, you will definitely love the well-made control options and techniques in the game.

Into the Dead 2

If zombie hunting is your thing then Netflix has got you covered! While the first part of this game has been around for years now, Netflix decided to take it up and introduce part 2 from their side. Into the Dead 2 gives you an amazing FPS experience and undoubtedly the nostalgia of the first game!

Krispee Street

Gaming does not have to always refer to hard-core games of shooting or racing! This lovely game from Netflix is all about finding hidden objects! If you want to pass your time but also put your mind to work, then you need to install this one!