4 Interesting chemicals to make from our daily hand sanitizers

  • Bono Sen
  • 19 September, 2022
  • 2 mins ago

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The use of hand sanitizers has become a strong part of our life through COVID-19 situations. Wherever in offices, rail stations, even before connecting with somebody on the phone, the red signals of not frequent use of sanitizer we all faced. But not to worry about daily use as well, because of the use of harmless chemicals in sanitizers. You should be in the know of those interesting chemicals which are below :

Ethyl Alcohol or Ethanol: Can fight against lipid viruses

Ethyl alcohol, a concentrated solution, helps kill lipophilic and many hydrophilic viruses, and has been tested to kill the harmful TB virus in a very short time. Due to its abundant antibacterial and antifungal properties, it is used medically in addition to hand sanitization. This disinfectant formula also acts as an antidote to the dangers of harmful chemical compounds such as methyl alcohol.

Isopropyl Alcohol or IPA: A Prime chemical compound for hand rub

It is usually a clear, translucent liquid with a pungent odour and bitter taste. It is the most recognized and accepted alcohol after ethanol. It has many uses in the medical stream. However, using 70% isopropyl alcohol can provide the best disinfection, and this is the percentage that this hand sanitizer is made of. It is effective against fungi. It is even suitable for human use in many areas, such as food flavouring, fragrance, and preservation of various things.

Propylene Glycol: An odourless substance used for hand sanitising mostly

It is a synthetic liquid specialized in pharmaceutical, food, cosmetics and industrial uses. It is an odourless, transparent substance somewhat syrupy. It is a chemical that absorbs water and is miscible with almost any solvent. Propyl glycol is widely used in the preparation of medicines and is also used in the preparation of various creams and gels. Acts as an advanced food preservative and is also used to enhance the flavour of various foods.

Tetrahydroxypropylethylenediamine: Used mainly in aromatic therapies

It is also an almost colourless liquid compound that is also used in the manufacture of sanitizers as well as in preservation. But it is not used directly on the skin because it has excess alkyne groups. This compound is used strategically to create anti-ageing, fine lines and wrinkle-reducing cosmetics.

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