Published By: Sreyanshi

4 ways to stop procrastinating all the time

We have four effective tips for you to stop procrastinating, read on to know more!

Procrastination is the most common addiction that can be seen almost in everyone. Humans procrastinate because the urge to delay is much stronger than the urge to finish a task early and relax later. Also, anxiety works behind procrastination, the fear of a negative outcome.

The commonly known reasons behind procrastination are:

(I) Valuing short-term dopamine

(II) Low motivation

(III) Low energy

We have four effective tips for you to stop procrastinating.

Stop using social media:

This may sound hard to do but society consumes lots of time and focus in exchange for cheap dopamine. Once you start scrolling down Facebook or Instagram reels your brain keeps asking for more, there's no end to it and this happens almost in the case of everyone who uses social media. Ask yourself twice, is seeing other people's life on Instagram more important than the work you're delaying?

Once you deactivate all your social media accounts you'll eventually think about studying or work.

Hardest task first:

If you're a morning person then start your day with the hardest task you've pending. You wake up in the morning fully energized, make your breakfast, and jump into work. Once you get the task done in the morning, you will feel confident for the rest of the day and other tasks would not seem that hard. On the other hand, if you are a night person who sleeps during the day, you can work on the hardest task at whatever time of the day you feel most energized.

Break it into small steps:

Multiple small tasks seem easier than a long hard task. So break down big projects into small chunks. For example, if you have only a few days to finish a whole chapter of biology then break it down into several topics that you have in that chapter. If you set up in your mind that you have an entire chapter to cover then it will seem much harder, rather see it as a list of topics. Don't rush on everything, go step by step, and of course, take a small break after finishing a step.

Select a suitable environment:

Choose an environment that works for you. If there's chaos in your house then no need to force yourself to study there, you can rather go to the school library or a friend's house. Wherever you think you can focus better. It's not about getting the work done anyhow, it's about getting the work done well. Also, if you forcefully try to study in an unsuitable environment, you may end up way too tired and mentally exhausted.