Published By: Rinks

5 Benefits of Oil Pulling

Want to embrace ancient healing techniques? Learn the benefits of oil pulling to perceive a healthy dental life.

When we think about oral hygiene, we remember brushing, flossing, mouthwash and tongue cleaning. What if I tell you to swish oil in your mouth as one of your mouth cleaning methods? Oil pulling, as it is called, is practiced since ancient times and in Ayurveda, it is believed to remove bacteria from the mouth. The process also moisturizes your gums and increases the production of saliva that fights bacteria.

  1. Kills Bacteria In Your Mouth-
Your mouth is dwelling to at least 700 types of microbes, and any time you check, you can find 350 of them. Not all bacteria are harmless, and some pose a severe threat of tooth decay and gum infection. Making oil pulling your regular habit can save you from all-round dental problems and keep that shining smile intact for years.
  1. Can Reduce Bad Breath-
Having a lousy breath immediately affects your confidence, and you would do anything to correct it. Even though the causes may be many, including gum problems, tongue coating, plaque, and the best and foolproof way to reduce it is oil pulling. You would be surprised to know that studies proved oil pulling to be more useful than mouth washing with antiseptic liquid. You can choose chlorhexidine or sesame oil as per your choice and see your tooth and gums become healthier.
  1. Prevents Cavities-
Be it, kids or adults, cavities in your mature teeth can be a severe problem. Adding excess sugar to your diet, negligence of oral hygiene, all lead up to weakening of your tooth by bacterial growth. Soon bacteria start eating off your pearly whites and create craters in them. To prevent any development of microbes through accumulated food particles, make sure you do regular oil pulling and leave your polished teeth clean.
  1. Reduces Inflammation And Protects Your Gums-
Gingivitis is a kind of gum disease discerned with swollen bloody gums. The plaque in your tooth can cause it and also adds to your dental problems. A mouth full of coconut oil pulling can decrease the bacteria formation in your mouth and help reduce any gum ailment from the very roots. The anti-inflammatory properties of coconut help you soothe your gums against any pain and keeps you healthy and smiling.
  1. Inexpensive And Easy To Add In Your Routine-
If you want to save your pocket from being pinched and keep your teeth and gums healthy, oil pulling is a blessing for you. It is easy to inculcate even in a busy lifestyle and brings promising results which prompt you into following it regularly.