Published By: Shreya Ghai

5 easy homemade face Masks – Step up your skin game

When it comes to skincare, sticking to natural and traditional homemade remedy is the best. Here are 5 DIY Face masks that will leave your skin glowing.

We all want glowing, flawless skin, but looking at our hectic schedules; we often forget to follow a skincare regime. We have curated 5 best homemade face masks for every skin type to fight with major skin challenges.

Take a look at these amazing face masks.

  1.     Tomato & Lime Mask

Tanned? Try this magic face pack.


All you need to do is mix tomato puree with lemon and apply it all over your face and neck. Keep it for twenty minutes and rinse off with cold water.

This will instantly reduce your tanning and make your skin look brighter.

You can use this on alternate days for a week to remove excess tan.

  1.     Fenugreek Mask

Acne is the most common skin challenge. Fenugreek has antiseptic properties which help in reducing inflammation and infection on the skin. Take few overnight soaked fenugreek seeds and make a smooth paste out of it next morning. Apply all over face and neck. Leave it to dry and rinse after.


Repeating it twice a week is highly recommended 

  1.     Soaked Almond and Milk Mask

If you have dull skin, this face a mask is ideal for bringing your glow back.


Take 5-6 overnight milk-soaked almonds, peel them and make a paste out of it. Apply a very thin layer in the night and rinse it off the next morning. You will surely notice a glow on your face.

Repeat it thrice a week for better results.

  1.      Banana, cucumber and papaya Mask

This face mask is the best remedy for oily skin. It keeps your skin hydrated and smooth.


Blend, half a piece of cucumber, ½ a thin slice of papaya and one ripe banana. Apply on face and neck, rinse off with lukewarm water after 15minutes.

Try it once a week only.

  1.     Turmeric, honey and yoghurt mask.

Turmeric is the best antioxidant and natural antiseptic remedy to keep, enlarged pores, acne and blemishes at bay. Honey adds to the glow, and yoghurt gives an instant lift to your complexion. Mix all and apply to your face, leave it for 15 minutes and wash it off gently with cold water. Follow up with a moisturizer.


Use it twice a week.

Why is face mask important?

  • deep cleansing of the skin
  • Fights acne and blemishes
  • keeps your skin hydrated
  • soothes your skin and leaves the skin glowing.

Tip* Before you step out - Don’t forget to wear a sunscreen with a minimum of SPF 21.


Achieving flawless skin is slow but not impossible if we follow a good skincare regime, along with eating a healthy and balanced diet, will surely give you the results that you want.

And hey!

There is nothing a good face mask can’t fix.