Published By: Ishani Karmakar

5 Everyday Clothing Items That Can Be Threatening To Your Health

Everyone wants to look their best when it comes to keeping up with the trends. However, you should also give some consideration to the clothes you're wearing from a health standpoint.

It seems that the things we wear are just as significant as the foods we eat. That’s precisely the reason you should keep these pointers in mind when you invest in new apparel.

Clothing that is too snug

These days, snug, form-hugging garments are a popular choice among many people. But if you think your clothes, whether dresses, jeans, shirts, or even undergarments, are causing you discomfort, you should know the potential health repercussions. Nerve entrapment, also known as meralgia paresthetica, can occur due to extremely tight clothing. It can cause pain, tingling, and numbness along the outer thighs.

Garments that are yellow

Yellow is representative of joy, warmth, and sunlight, and it has become a very popular colour in the last few years. However, a long-banned chemical may be present in yellow dye used in garments, which is unfortunate. It can cause malignancies of the liver, gall bladder, biliary system, gastrointestinal tract, and brain. This dye has been linked to PCB11, a kind of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB).

Thin-legged pants

Although tight jeans are a popular fashion option, they pose significant health risks. Women who frequently wear tight jeans have an increased risk of developing extreme discomfort in their legs and thighs, according to research published in 2019.

Garments that don't wrinkle

If you like your clothing to look and feel like they just came out of the dryer, wrinkle-resistant options are a great option. But unfortunately, there's always a catch! And this time, it's formaldehyde.

The Bureau of Government Accountability discovered that this substance is commonly present in wrinkle-resistant clothing. Most people would not likely experience irritation at the levels identified in the research. However, those who are sensitive to it may develop dermatitis, characterised by red, itchy bumps and blisters.

Donning footwear barefooted

Although there are now a number of fashion trends that advocate for going sockless, it is recommended that socks be worn at all times when shoes are being worn. They act as a moisture barrier here between foot and the shoes, preventing the foot from getting wet. Without them, your feet are at risk for developing athlete's foot, an inflammation of the skin caused by germs. It can occur because of your feet constant rubbing against your shoes in damp or wet conditions.