5 Foods and Supplements for Joint Health
Give these foods and supplements a space in your daily diet to keep all joint pains and discomforts away.
Millions of people around the world are affected by joint discomfort. It’s a very common problem that most of us tend to avoid or swipe it under the carpet. What if we told you that you can permanently bid adieu to this nagging pain by simply making some diet modifications? Here are five foods and supplements to take for excellent joint health-
Leafy Green Vegetables
Considered to be joint healthy heroes, leafy greens like kale and spinach are abundant sources of antioxidants and nutrients that are essential to have healthy joints. Vitamins A, C, and K in dark green vegetables reduce inflammation, leading to excellent bone and joint health.
Being packed with omega-3 fatty acid, walnuts are a powerhouse that efficiently reduces your inflammation markers. The primary goal is to consume anti-inflammatory food, as well as food with high content of unsaturated fats. For those who do not like nuts, canola oil and flax seeds containing the same fatty acids are great options.
Garlic not just adds a new flavor to every dish but has great anti-inflammatory properties too. It is believed that consuming just 5gms of garlic with honey or as an addition to food can helps relieve joint pain. Loaded with minerals and vitamins, a fresh bulb of garlic also contains allicin, a potent sulfur compound and diallyl disulfide that limits the growth of inflammation in the body.
Berries are not just ideal additions to your desserts, they are also rich in nutrients and anti-oxidants that help fight inflammation and manage sugar levels. Berries like raspberries, blackberries, blueberries and strawberries are good sources of vitamin C, out of which blackberry alone accounts for 35% of daily recommended dosage. Vit C aids in production of collagen that keeps your skin elastic, thereby giving support to your joints.
Glucosamine, a natural substance found in cartilage when taken as a supplement can promote joint health. Paired with another such component, chondroitin, it can slow down cartilage breakdown and promote joint comfort. Collagen powder is another supplement that can work wonders for your joint health, provided a healthy vitamin C levels are maintained.
The power-packed food and supplements are a great way to provide nourishment and support to your joints and promote overall well being. However, nothing can replace a healthy lifestyle that includes positive tweaks in your diet and routine.