Published By: Rinks

5 Hair Care Mistakes That Lead To Hair Fall

Attention, ladies and gentlemen! These 5 hair care errors could be the reason why your hair falls off even after doing everything right.

People all over the globe face hair fall problem. And while they can be caused by many factors, including weather, dust and pollution, stress, and diet, there are some things we mistake as good habits that lead to degradation of your hair quality. Here are five things you need to stop doing if you want to end the cycle of hair loss. So who is ready to flaunt gorgeous hair!

Washing Should Be Controlled

Although shampooing your hair is an essential step to maintaining good scalp hygiene and hygiene, it can be detrimental to do it too often. You could be stripping your scalp's natural oils if you wash your hair too frequently. Repeating this repeatedly can cause hair loss. You shouldn't wash your hair four times per week, even if you have an oily scalp.

Towel Drying

Honestly, we all search for a towel when it comes to wrapping wet hair, but drying your hair with a towel too hard can cause friction and pull weak hair from the roots. Be gentle when dealing with wet hair. Switch to microfiber towels instead of your usual towel. They are gentler on hair and reduce friction.

Too Many Styling Products

Your hair can look amazing with a blow dryer, straightener, or curler. However, they can damage your hair's follicles by exposing your hair to high heat. What should you do? You should invest in high-quality styling tools that are less hot if you do your hair often. Before using it, make sure to spray or apply heat protection gel.

Combing Wet Hair

Your hair will be more susceptible to breaking if it is damp. You should not comb your hair when it's still wet. Instead, use a wide-toothed brush to gently untangle the hair, and then use your favorite comb once it starts getting dry. Also, if you use a blower, make sure you do not use it in hot air mode.

Tight Hairstyles

A sleek, high ponytail is a must-have for every woman. However, this can cause your hair breakage out. This can pull your hair tight and cause hair fall. To avoid hair fall, you should get rid of tight hairstyles. Even if you have to get a sleek hairstyle, make sure you change the hairstyle every night before sleeping.