Published By: Urbee Sarkar

5 Minute Habits To Start Trying Today

Take out 5 minutes from your day and form some healthy habits.

At the end of the day, your accomplishments will be a combination of your emotions, abilities and your habits. Habits play a huge part in our lives. They are one of the key determiners of our lifestyle and as long as our lifestyle is healthy, the quality of our lives improves. Building the habit of building new and constructive habits is important as a part of our mental and physical evolution. It is a process that does not have to take much of your time. Just five minutes of your day. Here are a few five minute habits that you need to start trying now for a healthier and more constructive life.

Talk To Yourself

The idea might seem crazy, but try it out. By talking we don’t mean just silently introspecting within yourself. We mean, talk out loud to yourself. Give yourself five minutes to talk about anything you would like to yourself. You can talk about your frustrations, your future goals, your plans for the day or anything under the sky as you would like. Doing this would build your self confidence and even make you a better public speaker. You will even leave your mental demons behind. Studies have even shown that talking to yourself out loud for five minutes every day can even improve the information retention power of your brain.

Start Micro Journaling

Not many people are into journaling nowadays. Nonetheless, building a habit of micro journaling everyday  for five minutes. Definitely start with writing the date. What you write next is entirely up to date. You can write about interesting thoughts you have had at the moment, your wishes or your goals for the day. You can write about a few things you are grateful for in the day or even simply write how your day went. Micro journaling helps you gain perspective in life and reminds you why you do what you do.

Have A Glass Of Water

Seriously, just take a break for five minutes and have a glass of water. It is a fairly common and simple habit to form. This simple habit will improve your health and even though it may seem like a small change to make, this little habit will alter your life. So, take a break for five minutes every one hour and stay hydrated.