Published By: Sayan Paul

5 nutrient deficiencies that can cause hair loss

Nutrient deficiencies are a major trigger of hair loss.

It could even lead to baldness, irrespective of age and gender.

So, it's important to understand the root cause before you start the treatment.

Hair loss is a very common issue these days, affecting millions all around the world. While people usually try solving the issue externally, the reason in most cases lies inside the body.

It could occur due to many factors - such as poor diet, stress, genetics, scalp infections, unhealthy lifestyle, using chemical products, etc.

Your hair needs a good amount of certain nutrients to grow and remain healthy. So, a deficiency in those nutrients can cause hair loss as well. In this article, we'll discuss the common ones among them.

Iron; which delivers oxygen to cells

Iron deficiency is the most common factor behind hair loss (especially in women). Iron helps in the production of hemoglobin and red blood cells - which deliver oxygen and nutrients to all the tissues and organs in your body. So, when your body lacks iron, it restricts the supply of both oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicles. This leads to hair fall in no time.

Zinc; which helps in tissue growth and repair

Zinc is essential for the growth, development, and repair of tissues in your body. It helps the oil glands located on the scalp to work properly. It also regulates the hormonal levels and supports biochemical processes that are directly related to hair. A deficiency of zinc causes telogen effluvium which further leads to excessive hair loss.

Biotin; which aids in the keratin structure of hair

Biotin (also known as vitamin B7) helps maintain the keratin structure of hair, which is highly important for the overall health of your hair. Biotin deficiency is directly linked to hair loss, and the condition can worsen with time if not treated immediately. It can affect your skin health as well.

Vitamin D; which stimulates new hair growth

Vitamin D stimulates hair follicles to grow and also keeps them healthy. Also, it fights off various inflammatory responses that cause hair loss (issues like androgenetic alopecia, telogen effluvium, and alopecia areata).

Vitamin D deficiency is a common issue nowadays, as we spend most of our time indoors.

Vitamin B12; which supports the production of red blood cells

Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin that takes part in several bodily functions. It supports the production of red blood cells - which supply oxygen and nutrients to all the cells in your body. Hence, a deficiency in vitamin B12 prevents hair growth and also causes your hair follicles to fall out.

The list also includes selenium, niacin, fatty acids, vitamin A, vitamin E, protein, folic acid, etc.