Published By: Sougata Dutta

5 Obvious Signs Of An Unhappy Married Woman

Take a look at these symptoms of your unhappy wife!

In our Indian society, marriage is considered a 'sacred' bond. Indian society has not yet come to terms with the idea of ​​'divorce'. As a result, once married in our country, in many cases due to social and environmental pressures, two people often live together out of compulsion. In that case, how much pain, incompatibility or inadequacy is hidden inside the 'sacred' relationship between the husband and wife is often not understood from the outside.

Women in unhappy marital relationships: Reasons why they cannot get out

As Indian society is still ultimately patriarchal, a man can leave a legal or conventional relationship as easily as a woman cannot. Moreover, issues such as educational barriers, financial self-reliance and social adversity also stand in the way of a woman's desire to leave her unhappy relationship and lead a life of her own. So, despite being unhappy and miserable, many Indian women are forced to live together with their husbands. However, even if an unhappy married woman does not say anything, her behavior and some practical changes in her appearance bear the mark of her loneliness and misery.

Disrupted communication:

A woman who is unhappy in her marriage first stops talking to her husband.  Because in most cases, the normal conversation between two people who are in a compulsive relationship no longer exists due to excessive tension. In that case, every normal conversion ends up resulting in an argument which increases the bitterness between the two. To avoid this unpleasant situation, an unhappy married woman stops talking to her husband completely or does not talk unless absolutely necessary.

Changes in sleep patterns:

An unhappy married woman is a victim of emotional turmoil which has a direct effect on the sleep cycle. Unhappy married women usually suffer from insomnia. Also, various ailments including diarrhea, back pain and depression due to lack of sleep occur.


An unhappy married woman in many cases has a tendency to use various intoxicants while dealing with the pain and depression of her personal life. Even a woman who has never been intoxicated in her life can become addicted to cigarettes, alcohol or drugs.


A person who is in a long-term unhappy relationship can naturally be attracted to other people. A married woman can get involved in a relationship with another man if she does not get love and respect from her husband or if her other needs are not met. In this case, after suffering from depression for a long time, the woman suddenly becomes self-conscious.  Sudden changes such as buying new clothes, taking care of herself etc. indicate the beginning of a new relationship.