Published By: Rinks

5 Outdoor Fireplace Ideas for Your Home

The classiest fireplace design ideas to make your garden cosy and attractive.

Who wouldn’t want a lovely warm fireplace blazing in the soothing air of your garden! When we talk about the fireplace, it is not always about having one in your drawing room with a nice warm rug in front and you reclining with your favourite book. Bring out the warmth of a fireplace outdoor can do more good than you could ever imagine! Here are the classiest outdoor fireplace ideas to renovate in your garden.

  1. The Palm Beach Fireplace-
Bring home the beauty of the tropics by adding some heat by your backyard pool. All you need is a corner to elevate with bricks and light it up with the leaf shedding or dried wood, and you are good to go! How fun would it be to get out of a refreshing swim and bask in the heat of the fireplace?
  1. The Fire Pit-
Don’t have enough space? Well, you don’t need much for the fire pit! All you need is a little pit dug in a corner where you can hurdle around, and some bricks set on encircling the hole. Put some dried logs, and you just made yourself a beautiful fireplace.
  1. The Smokeless Fireplace-
Worried about the smoke entering your house and the soot ruining the paint? Well, you can design a safe one. Shield the wind side of the fireplace with a metal sheet and keep it fenced. Put out a metal tray on the ground allowing yourself to collect all dried leaves from your garden and putting it on fire to enjoy the heat on a cold morning.
  1. The Stone Fireplace-
There is nothing more authentic than putting round bounders fitted perfectly to shield your fire. Landscape your garden with some round bounders fixed with cement and create a perfect cave bonfire in it. You can keep some seats handy in case you want to warm yourself up after a long chilly walk.
  1. Bohemian Fire Cave-
Pile up some wood against an iron base to make a wall out of it and put one wood on the fire at once. The aligned pile make it look ever so classy, and it can be easily replaced once it’s done. Make sure you light the topmost log first to prevent the others from burning out all at once.