Published By: Rinks

5 Peculiar Dinner Rules The British Royal Family Must Abide By

The Royal family abides by many rules that may seem peculiar to us. Read on to know them all.

When you first consider being a royal, the idea sounds like a lot of fun, but then you realize there is a massive list of rules you must follow. We commoners may enjoy a leisurely breakfast in bed whenever we like, but the Royal Family does not have it so easy. While there are benefits, some of their customary practices may seem off-the-wall to outsiders. So start reading this article to learn about jaw-dropping elaborate royal meal customs. Learn them all by reading on!

Pasta is never served as dinner

Only bother with Royal aspirations is that pasta is off the plate. The pasta was never on the Late Queen's evening menu because she preferred lighter, more easily digested food. Thus, the kitchen staff at Buckingham Palace was well-versed in both acceptable and unacceptable dishes. However, the rules may have changed since we now have a new King, Charles.

After the Queen has finished her meal, no one else eats

Eating only with the late Queen was a race to the end, as you had to hurry up and complete your meal before she did. You should eat everything on your plate now because after she departs, your dishes will be taken away, too. In addition, you must wait until the Queen has finished eating before getting up from the table. The late Queen, however, was observed leaving some of her meal on her plate to ensure that everyone else could eat without choking.

Conversations with the Monarch are rehearsed 

We tend to speak on the fly most of the time, but things get trickier when it gets to the Monarch. The person on the Monarch's immediate right is considered the guest of honor and has the floor first. Therefore, there should be no preemptive talking from the left player.

You may need to exchange your meal with a royal member if they ask to do so

Perhaps the most out-of-the-ordinary thing you've ever read, but bear with us. It was widely known that Prince Phillip frequently ate in the dining hall with his servants. He would often request that a specific dish be served to him because he enjoyed trying new cuisines.

There are never 13 guests at a royal dinner

Even though she was not a believer in superstition, the late Queen didn't even want her thirteenth visitor to feel uneasy. So, she never quite hit the target number, but we respect her efforts.