Published By: Sayan Paul

5 reasons to incorporate rutabaga into your diet

Rutabaga is a root vegetable that looks similar to a turnip.

It belongs to the Brassica genus of plants (cruciferous vegetables).

It's versatile and also easy to add to your diet.

Rutabaga - also known as Brassica napus - is a cross between turnip and cabbage. It's native to America and Europe but is now cultivated all around the world for culinary purposes. It has a pungent flavor, making it a good ingredient in several veg dishes. Also, it contains huge amounts of fiber, vitamin C, protein, manganese, magnesium, folate, iron, niacin, calcium, thiamine, vitamin B6, and more.

In this article, we'll get a look at the five excellent health benefits that rutabaga has to offer.

May support digestion

Rutabaga is rich in water and dietary fiber content. Studies have found that this vegetable helps stimulate the production of certain enzymes that improve the functions of your digestive system. Also, it aids in the movement of food through the intestine as well. If consumed regularly, rutabaga may reduce your risk of gas, bloating, flatulence, and more issues.

May aid in weight loss

Rutabaga is low in calories, just like all other cruciferous vegetables. Its high fiber content keeps your body full for a long time, thus restricting you from overeating throughout the day. It increases metabolic rate which further helps your body to shed the excess kilos. Hence, rutabaga is highly recommended for people struggling with obesity.

May improve bone strength

The high amounts of calcium found in rutabaga boost bone mineralization and further improves your overall bone strength to a great extent. It also contains several other bone-healthy minerals like zinc, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, and more. Studies have found that people who consume rutabaga daily are at a lower risk of developing osteoporosis.

May enhance skin health

It is an abundant source of vitamin C. This vitamin, if consumed regularly, aids in collagen production, which further helps improve your skin's overall texture. The antioxidants in rutabaga reduce free radical damage and contribute to the purpose as well. Regular consumption may help treat acne, pimples, blemishes, wrinkles, etc. to a significant extent.

May promote heart functions

Rutabaga is loaded with potassium which effectively regulates your blood pressure levels. Also, its high fiber content reduces LDL cholesterol levels and increases HDL cholesterol levels in your blood. Both, in turn, help improve the overall functioning of your heart. Moreover, it reduces your risk of many cardiovascular diseases, including a heart attack.

Besides these, rutabaga may also control diabetes, boost immunity, and improve brain functions.