5 Tips for managing a remote team

Say goodbye to the worries of managing a remote team.

With more and more people seeking a balance of life and work, the demand for remote working has increased. But this change comes with its challenges, especially for managers. The leader of the remote working team has to keep the employees disciplined and ensure consistent performance. But we are here to help deal with any challenges that may arise.

Below we give some tips for managing remote teams.

Maintain communication

The best way to keep track of all communication with the remote workers is through daily check-ins via video conferencing and phone calls. Have frequent communication with the team to discuss their tasks, responsibilities and productions. But always draw the line, as over-communication can cause greater overheads.

Empathy is key

Is your employee sharing his or her issues with you? It shows that they trust you to help them sort out problems. Listen to these issues, empathize with their struggles and help them solve them. It always pays to try to become a good friend with remote workers rather than making them feel left out.

Focus on the results and not process

To increase engagement and empower remote workers, the best practice is to pay attention to outcomes. Assign the tasks and goals and communicate the desired results. Then allow them to come up with their plan of execution. It not only fosters creativity but also instils ownership in the employees.

Try getting together at least once a year

We all know that nothing is better than meeting face to face. And in remote working, you can do this by organizing an event at least once a year. Yes, we know they can be pricey but it will pay off in the long term. These gatherings provide a unique opportunity to discuss culture, the company’s future and vision. It can also foster team connections that are not possible through video calls.

Try being more of a mentor

We all know that being too bossy can cause demotivation among employees. Thus, it is very important to be a mentor and coach your remote team members to increase their efficiency. You can address their issues, appreciate them for their achievements, engage them in daily fun activities and many more to establish a mentorship bond with them rather than an employee and boss.

The above times require time and consistency to be effective. But in the end, you and your employees will be thankful for it.

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