6 Benefits of black raisins you didn't know about
If you are fond of black grapes, then you will be happy to know about these health benefits
A popular variety of dried grapes, black raisins are popular for their sugary and juice flavour. But these fruits have much more to offer than their taste. They come with many medicinal properties and natural compounds that are beneficial for your health.
Here we give you some of the benefits of this tiny fruit.
Aids people with anaemia
People who suffer from anaemia can benefit from consuming black raisins. The iron content in this fruit is much higher than other iron-rich fruits and vegetables. Eating black raisins every day will help you meet the recommended daily intake of iron and, thus, prevent anaemia.
Controls bad cholesterol
Black raisins can help control bad cholesterol of low-density lipoproteins (LPD). Black raisins are rich in soluble fibre that is an anti-cholesterol compound. It helps transfer the LPD from our bloodstreams to the liver, which is later eliminated from the body.
Helps in regulating blood pressure
Hypertension or high blood pressure is associated with various health complications. But consuming black raisins every morning increases the level of potassium in the body, which is an important nutrient to reduce sodium levels. Since sodium is the main reason for high blood pressure, black raisins can help avoid it and other diseases.
Strengthens bones
Another benefit of black raisins is bone health. In addition to being a rich source of calcium, raisins also contain boron – a micronutrient required in the body in small amounts. These nutrients help maintain the health of our skeletal system. Furthermore, the calcium in raisins also helps treat bone diseases like osteoporosis successfully.
Aids in weight loss
Black raisins are high in fibre. Thus, if consumed at breakfast, it can help you feel full for a long time reducing hunger pangs and mid-meal snacking. It also contains natural sugars like fructose and sucrose that contribute to feeling full for a long time. Therefore, doctors recommend this fruit for weight loss.
Improves eye health
Black raisins are filled with some of the best phytonutrients and antioxidant properties. The combination of both elements helps in recovering damage caused to the eyes due to age and free radicals. Thus, it improves vision and keeps a check on your eyes.
Want to stay healthy for a long time? Consume black raisins daily.