Published By: Rinks

6 Best Souvenirs to Bring Back As Travelers

Not sure about what would be the best gift to bring back from your trip? Here are the best souvenir ideas to preserve unforgettable memories from your travel.

As a person who loves travelling, you must have been to numerous places backed by distinct ethnic cultures that gave you a different living experience from your usual lifestyle. Holding a memory of those moments by taking back a souvenir makes your trip last forever in your residence. It could be something tiny and reasonable, but it sure stirs your heart like nothing else. Here are the best to take back ideas that would also be the perfect gift for someone who likes collecting memories from all parts of the world.

  1. The Little Trinkets-
It does not always have to be big and bulky. Something as cliché as a magnet with the name of the place, fun sunglasses, key chains or a cue tee could do the trick. Especially when you are backpacking and cannot afford to take back something huge, this is going to come handy and also serve the purpose of bringing back memories with you.
  1. Postcards-
The traditional souvenir idea of bringing back a postcard never gets too old. Postcards make the best collectors gift. Bring back photos from your travel will make the cutest card to give your loved ones. Places where photographs are restricted, you can always purchase postcards and write a card out to stick in your slam book!
  1. Handicrafts-
Local handmade crafts are the most thoughtful gifts to give out to someone. Buying handicrafts encourages the local art industry and embraces healthy and sustainable tourism. The beautiful bamboo arts, lampshades, wall hangings, jewellery pieces can be the best gifts ever.
  1. Décor Items-
Travelling souvenirs makes the best décor items for your home. Picking up ethnic bedsheets, mirrors, curtains will not only put an edge to your decoration of the house but also makes it an ideal take back for your friends.
  1. Kitchen Accessories-
Getting beautiful accessories for kitchen can be better gifts for your home than you thought. Exquisitely carved ladle set, hand-painted napkin set, ethnic teacup set, cup holders, coasters can make the perfect Christmas gifts to store for the holiday season to arrive.
  1. Books-
You will be surprised to know how local books can be a real treasure for voracious readers. The books explaining the history of the place and the ethic details is always good to read and take back as a souvenir for someone who loves digging in places literally before exploring the terrain on foot!