Published By: Rinks

6 Harmful Effects Of Excess Screen Time On Children

Limiting screen time for kids is not just necessary for improving their lifestyle but also their health. Here are some health hazards brought about by excess screen time for kids.

Addiction to electronic media among young people is recognized as a mental health problem in several nations, and some places even have treatment centers for kids with this problem. In addition, excessive screen usage negatively impacts children's health in various ways. Read on to know and prevent them all.


Most people are experiencing a lack of sleep due to their exposure to displays on various gadgets. Children are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of sleep deprivation. Children's bodies and brains are still developing, requiring more sleep than adults. Children need between 10 and 12 hours of sleep per night for healthy growth and development, yet screen time is robbing them of precious hours in bed.


A gadget with an LED display typically necessitates sitting down or remaining still. Because of their sedentary lifestyles and the prevalence of advertisements for rising junk food, many children nowadays are overweight. Children naturally have an innate drive to run, jump, and be physically active. They will gain weight if their natural desire to move around is suppressed and forced to sit idly for long periods.

Poor Eyesight

If you have to spend extended periods staring at a screen, remember the 20/20/20 rule: every 20 minutes, look at anything 20 yards away for 2 minutes. The 20/20/20 rule was implemented to protect people's eyes from unnecessary strain and probable vision impairment.

Muscle Sores

Several new medical words, such as "phone neck" and "text thumb," have emerged to reflect the growing complaints attributable to excessive screen usage. Thumbs are utilized in ways they weren't intended, and the head, neck, and wrists are commonly held at awkward angles. These things build up to a lifetime of discomfort for the kid, starting now.

Failure To Concentrate

Children who rely on electronic gadgets too much may struggle to acquire the natural skills necessary for successful adulthood. For example, children who spend too much time in front of a screen and too little time engaging with others of all ages sometimes lack the social skills to engage with others in real life.


The prevalence of violent content in popular games is not surprising. Young children especially like playing video games that include shooting or other forms of violence. More gore and violent content usually mean more sales for video game companies. As a result, hostility may grow in young minds. High rates of aggression in the family and at school have been linked to youths' exposure to violent media