Published By: Rinks

6 Toxic Parenting Traits That Harm The Child

Parenting is never easy, and it gets even more difficult with parents who have unresolved issues on their own. Here are some habits that may hurt your child more than you know.

The responsibilities of parenthood are never adequately prepared for or equipped for by parents. Yet, due to their own personal experiences as children, they have a strong desire to be parents. Here are some toxic parenting traits that need to be recognized and avoided by parents.

Parents That Aren't Adequate

As a result of their inadequacies, parents may feel shame and despair. They may use the kids as a crutch for their emotions, spending all of their time and energy venting to them about their troubles. Such children develop into mini-adults who can take care of themselves.

Always In Charge

Care, guilt, deception, and over helpfulness are characteristics of a controlling parent who have misgivings about their children's skills. Children's thoughts and sentiments are controlled by their parents. Their kids feel helpless and over-reliant on their parents because they are afraid of becoming insignificant in the family.

Verbal Abusers

Parental verbal attacks on a child's beauty, ability, intelligence, or human value may include mocking, sarcasm, disparaging nicknames, or other forms of humiliation.

Psychologically Sensitive

An inability to manage one's emotions results in unpredictable and erratic conduct among children raised by toxic parents. They are prone to overreacting, being theatrical, or exaggerating events.

Not Giving Privacy

Parental toxicity prevents the child from seeing themselves as a fully-fledged adult capable of making their own choices. Guilt and money are two of their primary tools for gaining and maintaining dominance. The parents read their children's mail, show up unannounced, provide advice they weren't asked for, and make decisions about their child's personal lives without asking them.

Abuse Of The Emotions

Children, especially young adults, may find it humiliating to hear their parents making racial jokes or embarrassing attempts toward their spouses. Emotional abuse can also occur when parents engage in criminal activities or argue with their partner in front of their children over legal concerns or finances.

Manipulative Acts

Parents who are toxic to their children are basically cunning. They appear to be the 'good cop' by distorting the reality. They resort to guilt, denial, and trivialization to achieve their purpose.

The Use Of Pointless Debates

A parent should be able to have a private discussion with their spouse without the presence of their children. Yelling and screams can be a dreadful indicator of a problem that needs to be resolved.


Toxic parents are never happy with their child's accomplishments because they always strive for more. Instead, they focus on finding faults, pointing out weaknesses, criticizing, calling names, and purposefully bringing up sensitive things that they know will hurt their children.