Published By: Rinks

6 Ways To Instill The Value Of Generosity In Children

Consider some of the following suggestions for activities you and your children might engage in to help spread greater kindness around the globe.

It's a pleasant feeling to be kind to others. It distracts us from our own problems and generates a sense of connection, which is beneficial. In addition, each of us has an important role in improving the environment around us. Here are some ways to teach your kids to be kind to others.

Share A Kid Story

Look for stories and novels that focus on compassion. A wide variety of intriguing tales is available for your consideration. Storytelling is a highly effective and impactful method of educating children without direct instruction. Read stories aloud to younger children to arouse their sense of wonder and curiosity. Make sure your older children's reading list is stocked with kind characters.

Smile More Frequently

In Swedish research, people's muscles twitched into grins unintentionally when they saw others smiling. Kids will learn that smiles are contagious by playing a smiling game with their parents. You may share the warmth of generosity by smiling, and others will do the same in return.

Use Compliments To Your Advantage

When someone compliments you, it makes you feel good. A part of your brain, the striatum, is stimulated. One of the exercises we do in my mindfulness class involves students throwing a ball around the room and saying something kind about someone each time.

Do Random Acts Of Good Deeds For Others

Anything that might brighten someone's day can be considered a random act of kindness. Nobody needs to know who did that. Likewise, you can encourage your children to show generosity to their other students and instructors at school via random acts of kindness.

Play Charades To Demonstrate Your Understanding Of Others

To have empathy for others, you must put yourself in someone else's shoes and imagine what they are going through. You can mimic other people's emotions and try to figure out what they're thinking.


There is always a way to provide a helping hand, no matter how big or tiny your efforts may be. Volunteering with children teaches them that helping others is rewarding. As a volunteer, you may pick up trash in the park, visit a senior home, clear out your closets and donate what you no longer need to others less fortunate. Kids may be inspired by raising money for a good cause. There is no end to the good you can accomplish with compassion.