Published By: Rinks

7 Common Makeup Ingredients To Stay Away From

You might think you are using all natural products, but once you look at the ingredient list, there will be chemicals that you might not be aware of. Here are the chemicals that you should avoid using.

There is no saying that we use makeup to the fullest, and most times, we do not check the ingredient list. We might trust the brand, but the common ingredients that the makeup products are made up of may cause more harm to you than you can think of. Here are some of the chemicals you should think twice before putting on your skin and hair.

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS)

It is a common chemical found in body wash, shampoo, face wash, foundation, mouthwash, and toothpaste. It can contribute to skin irritation, disruption of the skin’s natural barrier, oil imbalance, and eye damage. It is also a significant contributor to acne around the mouth and chin because it is comedogenic.

Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA)

It can be found in skin exfoliants and most perfumes. BHA exhibits dangerous neurotoxic effects and interferes with normal reproductive system development and thyroid hormone levels.


Found commonly in toothpaste, antibacterial soap, and deodorant, Triclosan has been linked to hormonal disruptions, impaired muscle function, bacterial resistance, impaired immune function, and increased allergies.

Coal Tar

Found in shampoo and hair dye, coal tar is a byproduct of coal processing. It has been studied chiefly for its effects after occupational exposure. Hairstylists are exposed to these chemicals present in hair dye daily. Many countries have banned these ingredients in their hair dyes.


Commonly found in moisturizer, makeup, shampoo, shaving gel, and spray tanning products. Several studies link parabens, which are endocrine disruptors that mimic estrogen, to the promotion of diseases. Exposure to parabens has also been a rising concern in the industry.


The tiny plastic beads present in the lip or face scrubs and even in exfoliating washes are polyethylene. They are used because they’re gentler on the skin than natural exfoliators like walnut shells. These synthetic chemicals get contaminated with harmful chemicals and readily penetrate the skin. Polyethylene is a popular skin irritant and should never be put on broken skin. These scrubs and body wash beads don't get filtered by our sewage systems. They can collect pollutants and travel into waterways, consumed by fish and marine animals.

Retinyl Palmitate AndRetinyl Acetate

Retinol products have extreme reactions to the sun and need to be used only at night. If not careful, they can cause severe and irreversible skin damage.