Published By: Rinks

7 Rarest Cat Breeds In The World

If you are a cat person, here are some rare cat breeds you need to look into! Read on to know them all.

Each cat owner adores their feline companion. Some people are pickier than other individuals when it is time to picking out a new feline friend. There are so many different types of cats that it's difficult to say which one is the most popular. Read on to know some of the rarest and prettiest cat breeds around the world.

Ragdoll Cats

Ragdolls are exceptionally perceptive and responsive to praise, so it doesn't take long for them to learn useful behaviors like using scratching posts as a kind of self-care. Because a breeder originally produced this breed in the 1960s, it is relatively recent in comparison to the other breeds. They're quite affectionate, and as their name says, they'll practically fall asleep in your arms.

Siamese Cat

The Siamese cat is indeed the epitome of elegance because it always appears to be ready for a costume party. Siamese cats are quite vocal and opinionated, making it difficult to keep one hidden from pet-restrictive landlords or landlords of private homes. While they love others very much, you can expect to hear exactly what they're thinking from their loud, raspy voice, and you'll also have to await for them whenever they call.

Abyssinian Cat

Abyssinians enjoy life to the fullest, unlike the typical cat who prefers to sleep and lounge around all day. They outdo their siblings in all ways of physical activity, including climbing, jumping, and playing. The breed's high IQ makes them interesting to watch and difficult to train.

Russian Blue Cat

Elegant and calm, the Russian Blue is a playful breed. When they want to keep an eye on their human companions or learn more about them, they frequently go to lofty vantage points. Visitors shouldn't expect rapid service since they are wary of engaging with strangers before gauging the situation. If you're one of their favorite individuals, though, they'll follow you around and even hop on your shoulder.

Birman Cat

Whether it's time for food or they want to cuddle here on the couch, Birmans will meow gently to get your attention. They are a calm and submissive breed that adores following their favorite people around the house. While not quite as dominant as Siamese, these cats nonetheless want to be a part of your daily life in every way possible. They are highly intelligent and inquisitive, and they like nothing more than finding out more about the world around them.

Nebelung Cat

While the Nebelung has a remarkable similarity to the dragon that appeared in The Never Ending Story, this placid and calm cat has a heart of gold and a penchant for play. They like to leap and climb to vantage points where they may observe those below. They are quite shy around strangers and only open up to those they know and trust, much like their Himalayan counterparts.

Norwegian Forest Cat

The Norwegian Forest cat, known for its friendliness and calm demeanor, is devoted to its human family but doesn't want constant care. As long as there are other people about, they are content, but they can easily pass the time when no one else is around the house. They like the company of others, however, they may be shy with visitors or strangers.