Published By: Rinks

7 Tips To Use Public Restrooms Safely

Even though most of us avoid using public washrooms, sometimes we can’t help it. So here are some precautions to ensure you don't bring any germs home.

Many individuals were already nervous about using public restrooms before the spread of COVID-19. It is impossible to tell what the last occupant of a place has done there or how many germs may be lurking on the surfaces. In light of the recent epidemic, discussing the best practices for using public restrooms safely and how we may assist your council in keeping these facilities clean is essential.

Focus on cleanliness

You're constantly at risk of picking up a bacterial infection indoors or outside. Virus transmission is more likely to occur during social interaction than in shared facilities like public restrooms. Don't stress excessively when using a public restroom; instead, focus on washing your hands and maintaining personal space.

Pick the cleanest stall

Seek out a restroom that charges a fee; these facilities are more likely to be kept clean and in good condition due to the increased revenue they generate. All the difference in the world might be made with this.

Don't touch anything


Touch anything you'll need to touch inside the bathroom, but don't put your bare hands anywhere near the handles! Focus on your immediate environment while also taking care of yourself. This reduces the risk of contamination, but it isn't suitable for all situations. Remember that you will be washing your hands before leaving the building, so there's no need to worry too much right now (just don't touch your face).

Go to the nearest cubicle

According to studies, the least popular cubicles are the first ones. Make sure you use them because they are cleaned first.

Shut the lid before flushing

This point is crucial, so let me emphasise it once again. Remember to secure the toilet lid once you finish your business. When a toilet is flushed, bacteria and viruses can be released into the air and settle on nearby surfaces. These become dangerous unless the surface has been coated with an anti-microbial coating. So it's best to put the lid back on and forget about the issue for the time being.

Wash your hands

This may seem common sense, but you'd be surprised how many people miss this step and instead use hand gel & wipes outside. To avoid spreading germs, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least twenty seconds before leaving the building.

Take caution as you exit

If you've just washed your hands and are about to leave the house, it's best to be extra cautious about germs. On your walk out, watch out for door knobs and other potential trip hazards; if possible, avoid contacting them using your elbows or sleeves. The door will be spotless if everyone washes their hands after reading our safety advice.