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8 Causes Of Muscle Twitches While Sleeping

Muscle cramps while sleeping can be painful. If you have frequent cramps in your sleep, it could be a warning signal from your body. Read on to know all.

Subconsciously, you provide orders to your muscles to carry on work. Sometimes, however, they exhibit abnormal behavior, such as pulsing or contracting unpredictably. Thighs, calves, arms, stomach, rib cage, & foot arches are common locations affected by spasms and twitches. They might target a specific muscle, a group of muscles, or the whole body. Doctors are sometimes still determining what kicks them off with their patients, and there are various plausible reasons.

Lack Of Electrolytes

Muscles can't work correctly without minerals like calcium or magnesium. Your system will let you know if you don't receive enough of them with unpleasant cramps and spasms. This might be caused by sweating, strenuous exercise, or even some medicines. Also, there may have been an excessive loss of electrolytes owing to stomach issues.


If you don't get enough fluids, your muscles are more likely to cramp and spasm. Common causes of muscle twitching during intense exercise or illness include dehydration and an imbalance of electrolytes.


Stress can cause muscle aches and pains, just like it can cause headaches and trouble sleeping. In these moments, using any relaxation technique may prove beneficial.

Caffeine Overload

For those times when you just can't seem to get out of bed or shake that midday sluggishness, a cup of coffee or other caffeinated beverage can do the trick. But unfortunately, muscle spasms may occur if too much is consumed. Amphetamines and similar stimulant drugs frequently cause this undesirable effect.


Physical signs of exhaustion include twitches and spasms. You may also experience fatigue and a general weakening of your muscles.

High Medication

If you have high blood pressure or heart problems, your doctor may prescribe diuretics, sometimes water pills. They increase urination, which can lead to a drop in potassium levels and muscle cramps. In addition, the use of some antidepressants and other medications has been linked to twitching.

Urinary Tract Infection

Normal kidney function often declines without warning. If their role drastically drops, you may suffer symptoms like muscle cramping. If you have diabetes, high blood pressure, or kidney illness or suddenly start having spasms, you should visit a doctor.


Unexpected behavioral changes occur when signals between neurons and the brain are disrupted. For example, muscle twitching and spasms indicate that the nerves that control your muscles are damaged by this common disease. Some people are born with it, while others get it via birth trauma, infectious diseases, alcoholism, or drug use.