Published By: Sayan Paul

8 simple ways to improve your skin elasticity

Read on to find out some effective ways which you can follow to improve your skin elasticity and keep it healthy.

Skin elasticity is your skin's ability to bounce back after being stretched. It happens due to the structural proteins such as elastin, collagen, glycosaminoglycans etc. present in skin. When the levels of these structural proteins drop, it leads you to loss of skin elasticity (elastosis) and make it look saggy. While this is a part of aging process, several factors like excessive sun exposure, pollution, smoking, poor diet etc. can cause this at an early age. So, here's how you can prevent the breakdown of those proteins and improve skin elasticity.

Retinol and Retinoids: Derivatives of vitamin A, both Retinol and Retinoids can be found in several skincare products. They boost collagen production in your body and improve skin' texture, hydration and firmness.

Collagen supplements: Taking collagen supplements is a common way of improving skin's elasticity. They provide amino acids to your cells which stimulate the production of collagen in your body. Along with promoting skin elasticity, collagen helps in several other bodily parts including joints, gut, bones etc.

Hyaluronic acid: Hyaluronic acid is a substance that exists naturally in your skin tissues. It restores moisture in the skin and keeps it hydrated. As its levels get reduced due to aging and UV ray exposure, it's important to take Hyaluronic acid supplements to maintain your skin elasticity.

Vitamin supplements: Vitamin B3 significantly reduces collagen breakdown and boosts fibroblast production, both of which help in improving skin elasticity. Vitamin A, C, D and E also improve skin’s elasticity by providing nutrition to it. You can take these vitamins through supplements.

Laser therapy: A study has shown that a combination of NAFL (non-ablative fractional laser) and IPL (intense pulsed light therapy) has numerous benefits on human skin. It promotes skin elasticity by improving skin tone and boosting collagen production.

Diet: Include a lot of antioxidant foods (such as leafy greens, berries, green tea etc.) in your diet as they prevent the breakdown of collagen and elastin in your skin. Also, consume foods like citrus fruits, vegetables, almonds, walnuts etc. and avoid eating inflammation-triggering foods like processed foods, fried foods, fatty foods, alcohol etc.

Exercises: Regular exercises boost blood circulation throughout your body and improve metabolism of the skin cells, both help in maintaining skin elasticity. For best result, try jogging, cycling, swimming etc.

Sleep: A lack of sleep promotes the release of cortisol (stress hormone) which increases inflammation and causes breakdown to collagen and elastin. So, get at least seven hours of sleep every night to prevent this process and maintain skin's normal elasticity.

You can also go for Genistein isoflavones, Cocoa flavanols, Chemical peels, plant-based stem cells, Body-contouring surgery, herbs (aloe vera, amla, cinnamon etc.), witch hazel extract etc.