Published By: Satavisha

A Comprehensive Guide To Choosing The Best Pillow For Your Back And Neck

When you are lying on your back, the pillow should ideally support the cervical spine’s natural curvature—with ample support under the neck, shoulders, and head. The height of the pillow should also be lower for side sleepers.

Many people suffer from agonizing neck and back pain at least once in their lifetime. A stiff neck can make movement very difficult. A lot of times we blame our posture, but it is our sleeping position that induces neck and back pain.

However, the perfect pillow can ease neck pain—which is commonly overlooked and may become chronic if you do not immediately switch to a new pillow that suits your sleeping position. Here is a comprehensive guide to choosing the right pillow to keep neck and back pain at bay. This article offers pillow recommendations that are particularly designed to help care for your back and neck.

For Side Sleepers: A Firm, Thick Pillow

If you often sleep on your side, your pillow should ideally support your neck and head—to maintain a natural horizontal and straight spine. A thicker pillow is needed for sleeping on the side than sleeping on the back. Opt for a pillow with gussets as they provide more comfort to the neck of side sleepers. It contains extra material inside, and the rectangular panels on all four sides are sewn—allowing the filling to adjust as per the movement of your head.

You should consider bending your knees and placing a pillow between them to maintain the neutral position of the spine. Without any support between the knees, the upper leg tends to rotate downward, impacting the pelvis and misshaping the natural curvature of the cervical spine. If you place a firm pillow instead of a soft one between your knees—it will help prevent this downward rotation. Additional support between the knees helps keep back pain at bay and enables the spine to rest better.

For Stomach Sleepers: A Flat Pillow

Of all the sleeping positions, lying on one’s stomach is the worst and most stressful—which can induce severe neck and back pain. Doctors often advise their patients to avoid resting on their stomachs at night, especially if they have specific spine conditions or have had spine surgery in the past.

If you still prefer sleeping on your stomach, get a relatively flat pillow, or your head should rest on the mattress—to prohibit your neck and head from getting strained. When resting on your stomach, it would be ideal for you to place another flat pillow under the pelvis or abdomen to help maintain the natural alignment of your lower back.

For Combination Sleepers: Get A Pillow Made With A Mix Of Various Fillers

Individuals who cannot commit to a fixed sleeping position should ideally opt for a pillow that has relatively higher areas to allow side sleeping and also lower areas to ensure comfortable back sleeping. So, getting a buckwheat hull pillow or one that is made with a blend of different fillers can be helpful. Opting for an all-purpose pillow will likely be too high when you are sleeping on your back and very low when resting on your side.

For Traveling: Horseshoe Pillows

Horseshoe pillows offer comfortable neck support when traveling in planes, cars, and buses. When you are sleeping on a flight or car, prevent your head from drooping to one side, especially if you suffer from neck pain. A horseshoe pillow will help support your neck while traveling.

Picking the right pillow based on your sleeping position helps in several ways. Most significantly, you can enjoy a peaceful and proper sleep at night—enabling you to feel fresh and recharged the following morning. So, it is essential to invest in the right pillow to eliminate neck and back pain.