Published By: Rinks

A Total Game Changer! Top 6 Tips to Apply Foundation Flawlessly

Struggling to make your foundation flawless? We have some professional tips to help you achieve a professional finish.


Foundation has been our best friend for looking glamorous at all times. No matter how nutritious you eat or how well you care for your skin; the one prodigal pimple can shoot up and ruin your photos anytime. To make sure you look flawless every day, we collected some expert tips on giving a professional touch to your foundation.


Prep Your Skin


First, start with smoothening your skin before you apply the foundation. To remove makeup, dirt, and grime from your skin, you can use a basic cleanser. For tightening your pores, use a mild cleanser and seal it with a moisturizer. 


Use A Primer


A primer is helpful if you have large pores. It makes foundation application easier and lasts longer. There are many types of primers on the market, you can choose the one that meets the needs of your skin type. It acts as a barrier between the foundation and your skin, protecting your pores from getting clogged. 


Dot The Foundation All Over Your Face


Apply foundation evenly to your face by first dotting it all over. Start by putting foundation on the back of your hands and then using your finger, apply it all over your face. A foundation brush can be used, but your fingers can also help you heat up the foundation to help it blend well.


Start At The Center


The center of a person's face is where the eye naturally focuses. This is why it is important to start at the center and work your way outwards.


Use A Foundation Brush


You don't have to smudge the foundation all over your face with your hand. Instead, use a foundation brush and spread it evenly and outwards. Follow the direction of the growth of your facial hair. For more control, use smaller strokes. Blend the foundation into your skin slowly. You can also use a damp sponge to even out the makeup.


Use A Powder To Set It


Liquid foundations will last for around 2 to 3 hours before facial oils strip them. Over time, the foundation will slowly lose its luster. You can prevent this by setting your foundation with a translucent powder. This will help your foundation last longer and reduce shine. For touch-ups, you can always keep a compact handy.