Published By: Rinks

AI To Stop Cybersickness Generated From VR

The magical experience of VR and how AI can help remove the cybersickness from it.

Gone are the days when diving into fantasy land was skin to entering the subconscious world of daydream. As a child, we have all done that! But as we grew up, technology crept in and now helps us even with our imagination! Virtual and augmented reality initially failed to live up to expectations, but with time have significantly improved. The head-worn displays and applications have been released in the past years.

While cybersickness remains a common user problem that needs to be overcome for mass adoption. The state of research identifies challenges that must be addressed and formulated. Prioritizing the creation of powerful and weightless untethered displays with reduced visual latencies. The standardization of aftereffect measurement and symptom helps the development of improved countermeasures.

Some of the unresolved problems from the original agenda have attracted attention, with immense technologies proliferating widely. Carefully executing the R & D agenda will render cybersickness a challenge of the past and accelerate mass adoption.

Identifying Causes and Solutions For Cybersickness-

Virtual and augmented tech provides sensory input that provides real-world stimuli. The approaches taken by them are slightly different. VR aims to substitute virtual for reality and occupies more sensory organs. Augmented reality blends real and virtual stimulation.

While surreal stimuli can be added to both, virtual aspects are presented to have interaction with users as though it was an actual stimulation

Following industry practice, the term extended reality refers to shared aspects of virtual and augmented reality. XR could transform the way we work, play, and learn. Its wide use in gaming and entertainment has made it essential in manufacturing, healthcare, retail, entertainment and tourism.

It can transform schooling by approving interaction with environments far aloof, long gone, or of an intensely different scale.

It provides operational support in need by accelerating task performance and reducing downtime costs. It allows essential training skills through safe, embodied immersive and embodied scenarios.

It can support physicians in reaching patients in remote and underserved areas for support diagnostics and surgical planning. It can assist reconstruct commerce and enhance remote customer support, heighten tourism and revolutionize hotel experiences.

Despite the vast promise, XR tech presents a nettlesome motion sickness problem. It often leads to nausea, disorientation, oculomotor disturbance and drowsiness.

Cybersickness can remain long after XR exposure and postural negotiation steadiness, hand-eye synchronization, visual functioning. These aftereffects result from the individual’s sensorimotor edition to the immersive experience.