Published By: Nirtika Pandita

Animated movies that are a lesson on life and family

Besides the beautiful animation it is the story and lesson to look out for

There was a time when animation was limited just to the idea of a cartoon running for an hour of mindless entertainment for kids. But over time with technology, cartoon films have re-defined the genre of animation. From humour to the story, compassion to thoughtfulness, animation films have grown to deliver more than just a storyline - a life lesson. A lesson that is not restricted just to the children to learn, but is for adults to pick from too. With those cute figures and bright colours these films talk about what it means to respect, live life, be present at the moment, and acknowledge our emotions. So here is a list of such animation films that you should sit and watch with your children.

Finding Nemo This adorable story of young fish who embarks on an expedition in the desire to see the world and has a loving but paranoid father who refuses to let him go. This is a simple story of the love and bond a father and son share, and it captures their journey and the father fish’s heroic acts to save his son, Nemo. It is their journey that serves as a lesson for a family that love cannot be forgotten.

Up This is one of the most beautiful animations to date. Not only is it beautiful but is all about love, care, and commitment. The film follows a retired balloon salesman and widower Carl Frederickson who decides to travel up in the sky with his house in order to achieve his wife’s dream of visiting Paradise Falls. The story gets interesting when Frederickson meets stowaway boy scout Russell tags along with him, much to his dislike. This heartwarming adventure is all about following your dreams, making the most of today you’re your loved ones, and take the time to spend with them.

Inside Out This2015 animation of a young girl is a roller coaster of emotions. Through the life journey of 11-year-old Riley’s mind, the films in a unique narration shows how a child struggles through the emotions of joy, sadness, anger, fear, and disgust. This animation is instrumental in encouraging conversations around mental health among family members and something especially to be discussed with kids. At the same time is also teaches that emotions can be confusing, irrespective of the age group.

A few other lesson-worthy animation films are Toy Story, Kung Fu Panda, The Good Dinosaur and Brave.