Published By: Ishani Karmakar

Are So-Called Superfoods Really That Super?

Everyone has heard the term "superfood," but what does it mean? It turns out, though – not very much!

Although there is no official scientific evidence to support the term "superfood," the idea that certain foods are inherently more nutritious than others has gained widespread acceptance in recent years. Although there are some foods that are more beneficial to our health than others, such as nuts and seeds, it is very naive to believe that these foods have the power to do things like slow down the aging process, destroy diseased cells, or make us smarter.

Let's investigate the purported health benefits of several superfoods by taking a closer look at some of the foods that have earned that designation:

Mononote Berries

The amazing rise in demand for these tiny red berries has made them ubiquitous in grocery stores. Like acai berries, goji berries originate in Tibet and Inner Mongolia, but its purported health benefits, such as improved circulation and a stronger immune system, have not been verified by scientific research. However, they are also rich in plant-based antioxidants and contain high levels of vitamin C, which is beneficial for the skin, eyes, heart, and joints, so including them in your diet is probably not a bad idea. You may get them fresh, dried, or in powdered form to use in drinks like smoothies and juices.


Flavonoids, which are found in cacao, have been shown to reduce blood pressure and increase blood flow to the brain and heart. It's not as wonderful as it sounds, but that's alright. Unfortunately, the sort of chocolate we're talking about isn't the kind where you can eat as much as you want whenever you want. Cacao is the unprocessed version of chocolate; it retains the rich flavour of chocolate but is far less pleasant to eat since it hasn't been spoiled with extras like sugar, fat, or milk.

Chia seeds

Marketers currently utilize the story that the Aztecs ate chia to increase their stamina and energy. Chia seeds, which expand when exposed to water, are excellent for curbing hunger and binge eating. You may use them in savoury as well as sweet recipes, demonstrating their adaptability. Particularly satisfying is chia seed porridge, which keeps us from thinking about food until lunchtime. The steady release of energy from these small seeds is beneficial for avoiding dangerous spikes in blood sugar levels, and they are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and calcium.

Powdered Maca

Maca is a vegetable root that is cultivated in the Andes. The natives refer to it as an adaptogen, which implies it may help you deal with the pressures of daily life. Its deep, malty flavor complements breakfast cereals like oatmeal. Again, scientific evidence for maca powder's purported health advantages is lacking.


Matcha, the powdered leaf of the green tea plant, may be purchased at health food stores, grocery stores, and even coffee shops, where it is being added to trendy new beverages. It's high in anti-oxidants and includes the amino acid L-theanine, which helps with relaxation.


Spirulina may be sprinkled on salads or consumed as a powder mixed with water or beverages because of its high chlorophyll, mineral, vitamin, and iron content.