Published By: Ishani Karmakar

Are You A Shopaholic? Here's How To Manage Your Addiction

Whether it is buying groceries or purchasing clothes, shopping has become a huge part of all of our lives. However, there is a thin line between smart shopping and excessive shopping. Most serial shoppers will confess that they have shopped to the verge of going broke.

If you are a shopaholic, saving money can be a huge issue. While there is nothing wrong with impulse buying once in a while, you have to be careful that it doesn’t become a habit. Here are a few things you can do to manage your shopping addiction and keep a track of your expenses.

  1. Never Shop Without A List
Shopaholics tend to buy things that they don’t need wherever they go, even if it’s a grocery store. It is therefore very important to create a list of the things that are necessary before you head out. Also, be strict with yourself – control your urges and simply stick to the list no matter what!
  1. Pay Cash
When you make payments in cash, it limits you from overspending. Every time you go out shopping, calculate an estimate of how much you are going to spend. Then, carry cash. Make sure you leave your debit and credit cards at home. This will stop you from making an extravagant or impulsive purchase.
  1. Wait It Out
Before you hit the ‘add to cart’ button on those hot but insanely shoes, make it a point to sleep on it. Better still, wait for at least a couple of weeks before you purchase it. This will give you time to think about the item and understand if you actually need to buy it or not. The bonus part is, if you are still pining for them after a couple of weeks, it means they are worth the money.
  1. Make A List Of Purchases That You Regret
Take some time out and make a list of all the impulsive purchases that you secretly regret. Keep it in your wallet, so that you are forced to see it before taking the money out to make a payment. You cannot stop this addiction unless you are determined to stop yourself.
  1. Keep A Gap Between Expensive Purchases
Keep a gap between major expenses. For example, if you want to buy a hair straightener worth 4K and have also been planning to buy a watch worth 3K, buy one of them in the first month, wait out the second month, then get the other item.