Published By: Jayati


Your fondness for spicy foods may expose some interesting facts about yourself!

The majority of people nowadays are fascinated by the concept of spicy food, whether it's fusion food or just simple take-out, spicy food challenges have become a mainstay across many food-themed content creators. The audience gets a kick out of watching their favorite content creators painstakingly having a bowl of spicy ramen or crying while eating the spiciest chicken wings the world has to offer. Yet if you are someone who loves spicy food all across the board, it might surprise you to know that it may uncover hidden facts about your personality that you might not have known before. Some of them may seem strange but are intriguing to say the least.

You are Most Certainly a Thrill Seeker

Even though spicy food can be tough on the palate, if you like having spicy food knowing it will burn your insides, it means you have an affinity for the unknown, you seek an adrenaline rush and you’ll stop at nothing to get it, this is not to say that eating spicy noodles are the same as climbing Mount Everest, but it means you possess the same mindset of the thrill seekers and adventurers that all of us read about in the magazines.

You Might Have a mix of Curiosity and Boredom at the Same Time

There is a strong chance of spicy food lovers being curious to explore a new thing, as the adventure inside them never seems to stop. It might be something as small as ordering a peculiar dish at a restaurant, or walking the path no one wants to explore. Although, there is a catch if you are a spice head and the path you choose doesn’t turn out the way you want you might have an instant urge to step back from your decision.

You are a Risk Taker

One of the biggest commonalities among spicy food lovers is that they all like taking risks no matter what the scale of the risk is. It might be skydiving or bungee jumping but might be something as simple as wearing the most daring outfit just to stand out from the crowd, the fear of being judged will never stop you, hence while eating spicy food you don’t care, you just go for it doesn’t matter who joins you.

You Have Strong Competitiveness

If you love the burn of spice, and also the challenge it brings to you, that may indicate that you have a strong sense of competition in you. This highlights a key part of the personality, which is relishing difficult challenges and the mindset to overcome them.