Published By: Satavisha

Are you Chronically Disorganized? These Time Management Tips Can Help

Getting tasks done is not just about syncing calendars — it is also a battle against ADHD (Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder).

Organizational skills play a pivotal role in time management. But what if you are a disorganized individual? There is no need to be ashamed. Chances are, organizational skills were not taught to you as a kid, or maybe the issue is beyond your controlfor instance, ADHD. Check out some time management tips that can help you organize yourself.

Assess how you spend time every day.

Do you often feel like 24 hours a day aren’t enough? Are you missing deadlines frequently? True that life gets very busy sometimes, and we fail to make time for ourselves. But if you are consistently failing to meet a deadline or make time to pursue a hobby or watch a movie, then it may be due to a lack of discipline or your lifestyle. You have to effectively manage your time, and the first step involves evaluation of how you allocate time to complete your daily tasks. You may seek help from a time-tracking app to record your activities and how much time you are taking to complete them.

Use a planner to mindfully organize your tasks.

Get a planner and list all your tasks that require scheduling. This includes project deadlines, appointments, exercise, time for recreational activities, and social events. You also need to chalk out blocks of break time for relaxation or for emergency situations.

Set attainable goals

Combat your habit to over-commit. For every new commitment you make— you should consider eliminating an old one. For instance, if you wish to join the debate club at college, you should give up your membership from another committee to manage time effectively.

Eliminate bad habits

Developing bad habits may result in disorganization and prevent you from meeting deadlines. To upgrade your time management skills, eliminate those bad habits. For instance, stop taking more workload than you can deal with. Another poor habit involves relying too much on your memory. Regardless of how incredible your memory is, it may disappoint you. Use a notebook to pen down your ideas and thoughts and check it whenever you need to.

Learn to manage unexpected time wasters.

Some days your time will get wasted by unprecedented external factors, like unexpected guests or office meetings that drag on. You can manage your schedule by allocating a specific time to attend phone calls and respond to emails. Keep your phone on silent or turn off notifications and enable your voicemail settings. You may also create blocks of free time to meet people. Other times, keep the door closed, and if necessary, use a "Do not disturb" sign.

Try to find a time management approach that works for you and swear by it for good.