Published By: Rinks

Aurora Borealis-Why You Should Watch it Once in a Lifetime

The gorgeous strands of colours in the northernmost skies- the Aurora Borealis, and why you should be there in person to experience the phenomenon.

One of the most awe-inspiring natural phenomena, aurora borealis symbolizes magical mystic formation in the Northern Hemisphere. Portrayed in various movies, novels and art, it is something that will take your mind to a whole distinct dimension. Wish you could be there enduring the extraordinary phenom? Here is everything you should know about the place that will make your stay even more memorable.

The Perfect Time to Visit the Northern Lights-

What makes witnessing the northern lights even more exclusive is the fact that it is unpredictable. The event can be said to be happening only two hours before the phenomenon, and there is almost no guarantee that you will get to see them. However, certain places in certain times of the year, the chances of catching a glimpse are more.

The science being, the difference between the solar maximum and solar minimum creates the activity cycle every 11 years.  The last being in January 2014 that remained active for years later on either side.

The perfect months for hunting the Northern lights would be from January to March as the long dark nights with beautiful snowfall looks mesmerizing in the coloured reflection of the northern lights. To witness the lights, the sky has to be at the darkest to contrast the radiating colours. If you are not seeing the sun for more than four hours a day, there is a huge chance you will see it on at 4 pm, 11 pm and 9 am.

Where Should You Go To See Arora Borealis-?

As unpredictable as the Northern lights are, the fascinating mystical phenomenon can be enjoyed from anywhere near 66 degrees north and 69 degrees north. It is also called the Aurora Zone. The band stretching between Sweden and Finland have countries that are visited by people worldwide to witness the magical phenomenon.

Here Is Why You Should Visit the Northern Lights-

The Northern lights are stretched by the natives to be the epicentre of their culture. During the Northern lights, the tribals believe that their forefathers' soul is dancing up to storm the beautiful night sky.

While experiencing the northern lights, you can enjoy the jaw-dropping beauty with sledges drawn by reindeers and enjoy the fantastic weather.