Published By: Ishani Karmakar

Ayurveda Secrets: Home Remedies To Treat Migraine

Migraine is more common than you think. Here is how to treat it naturally.

Migraine is a neurological ailment that causes intense throbbing headaches. A person who has migraine often experiences symptoms like vomiting, nausea and extreme sensitivity. If the standard treatments fail to give you a life without a headache, you can always turn to Ayurveda for non-conventional and herbal remedies.

The holistic approach of Ayurveda considers a complete treatment of your mind, body and soul. The five elements are as follows:

Air is associated with nerves and breathing.

Space is related to your ears and mouth.

Fire is related to metabolic activities.

Earth is associated with bones

Water is related to blood.

When the balance gets disturbed, various ailments occur and you can experience discomfort or illness.

Using the conventional approach, migraine is usually treated with pain relievers, nasal sprays, anti-nausea medicines, lifestyle changes and self-care remedies.

Even though pain relievers give you immediate help, long term use of these can be dangerous. Ayurveda, on the other hand, uses:

Body detoxification.

Dietary changes.

Herbal remedies.

Relaxation technique.

Ayurveda uses natural methods to promote doshic balance. An Ayurvedic practitioner can help decide what methods will be suitable for you. Your treatment will include the following combinations.

Panchakarma Therapy

Panchakarma therapy detoxifies and purifies the body by removing toxins that contribute to migraine. It also includes some lifestyle changes that promote wellness.


The ancient practice incorporates various breathing techniques that promote relaxation. By calming the body and mind, yoga helps ease stress and anxiety that reduces pain sensitivity and migraine pain.

Regular Exercise

Scientific evidence proves that exercise reduces recurrence of migraine attacks. The release of endorphins eases out the pain and elevates your mood.

Relaxation Techniques

Various relaxation techniques link your body to the mind and help you reduce stress and tension. It also eases your headaches and lowers high blood pressure. Here are the following techniques to adapt.

Deep Breathing

Also known as diaphragmatic or belly breathing, this technique involves breathing into your abdomen and not into your chest.


Meditation practices help you focus on the present instead of distracting thoughts of the past or future.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Also known as Jacobson's relaxation technique, this involves tightening and relation of several muscle groups in the body.

Mental Imagery

Concentrating on an image that helps you feel relaxed has a calming effect on the mind.