Published By: Urbee Sarkar

Bargaining Champ: Tips To Haggle For The Best Deal

Haggling is an art and here’s how you can master it as well!

Do you shy away from bargaining because you think you are so bad at it? It might take a little work but you will get there. Haggling or bargaining especially at outdoor and flea markets is a skill you should have unless you want to get ripped off. Often the shopkeepers increase the selling price of an item at a significantly higher rate from what they had purchased. Naturally, when the spot an under confident and amateur haggler, they know the profit is going to be higher and the only person who loses in all this game is you. Here are a few tips that will turn you into a pro from an amateur haggler.

The Love Card Is To Be Kept Up The Sleeves
No matter how much you love an item, don’t show it to the shopkeeper. Once the shopkeeper realises that you have fallen in love with the item and would like to get it at whatever cost, they will never budge from their said price. The logic is simple –it’s harder to get away from something you really love. The shopkeeper would take a complete advantage of that. Show some interest in the item but pretend like you can well do without it or even get it from another place. The more you hang on to an item the more interest it shows. If you find that the shopkeeper isn’t giving you a fair price, fake your disinterest and start walking away. You will soon get a call back and you price will be their price.
Research, Research And More Research
It is important to get your research done on a market before you visit it. Haggling rates are different for different market. While in some places you can bring down a price to 50 to 60 percent, at other markets you can only haggle for a price up to say 30 percent of the original price. Know your price by researching online about how haggling is done and encouraged at a particular market. You can even ask around friends who frequent those markets and get a fair idea.
An Offer That Can’t Be Refused
Be reasonable with the offer you are making. Moreover, some shopkeepers give you better and lower price if you pay in cash. Ask politely and you will receive.