Published By: Mumpy Chakraborty

Bedtime rituals for deep sleep

These bedtime rituals will improve your sleep patterns and help you lead a healthy lifestyle.

In the hustle-bustle of our daily life, the most compromised thing has been our sleep. Whether it’s a long day at work or a late-night party, what gets disrupted the most is our sleep cycle. To accommodate everything in a single day we usually tend to minimise our sleep, but this habit could be dangerous for our health in the long run and can lead to serious disorders like insomnia, anxiety and fatigue. A good eight-hour deep sleep is a must for our body to get going. It doesn’t only help you lead a healthy life but also makes you feel fresh, young and energetic the next day. But for many, deep sleep is a rare phenomenon, going to bed early does not always guarantee a deep sleep and many of the times it takes a long time to even feel drowsy and fall asleep. But this can be treated with little dedication and practice.

Sleep is like any other activity which needs practice. So If you really want to have a good deep sleep these bedtime rituals are needed to be followed.

Decide on a set bedtime and put an alarm for preparation

The first and foremost thing is to decide on a time to go to bed every day. Whatever be the situation, try to stick to it. And start preparing beforehand, at least 30 minutes before going to bed and for that set a reminder or alarm.

Eat light

Eating less dinner helps you sleep with ease, without feeling full and heavy. Sometimes overeating can cause heartburn and indigestion which could lead to discomfort and sleepless nights.

Switch off all the gadgets

While we think watching a good slow-paced movie will help us fall asleep, it actually does the total opposite. Electronic devices, including computers, televisions, smartphones, and tablets, all emit strong blue light which floods our brain, tricking it into thinking it’s daytime. As a result, our brain suppresses melatonin production and tries to stay awake.

Dim the Light and create an ambience

Bright lights can come in between our sleep and disrupt the circadian rhythm which makes the sense of day and night by responding to dark and light. Thus it is important to either dim or turn off the lights. Also in cooler temperatures, our body feels more comfortable and tends to fall asleep because that creates a calm and relaxed ambience. Open all the windows and let the air in.

Creating a cosy, cool and dark sleeping space will help set the circadian rhythm to sleep mode.

Make a to-do list for the next day

Creating a to-do list prevents the mind from worrying about tomorrow’s tasks. It takes the anxiety out of your mind so that it can be put to rest for some time so that you can wake up all fresh and prepared.

Stretch, Breathe, and Relax

Relaxation techniques like deep breathing exercises or progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) can allow you to get rid of physical and mental tension which ultimately helps you to fall asleep. Thus a good stretching or yoga routine before bed will make you feel relaxed and can improve sleep quality.