Published By: Sohini

Benefits of cod liver oil for your kid

As a parent, you always want the best for your kid. You want your kid to get the best nutrients and diets so that your kid becomes the best

If you want your kid to be the best and lead a healthy life, then you should definitely give them Cod liver oil. This oil is obtained from the liver of Codfish. Sounds yucky right? But wait till you hear the benefits it provides.

Source of vital nutrients

Cod oil is full of nutrients like Vitamin A, D, Omega 3 and certain fatty acids, which helps in preventing blood clots. It acts as a supplement, but don't get sceptical upon hearing supplements. This is a good supplement as it is filled with all the nutrients, and it is also sourced from nature.

Say goodbye to chances of getting type 1 diabetes.

Consuming cod liver oil can reduce the chances of your kid developing type 1 diabetes as it contains the Omega 3 fatty acid, which has an anti-inflammatory effect and can prevent the growth of diabetes at an early stage.

No worries of Rickets

Ricket is a type of bone disease that occurs due to deficiency of Vitamin D. In such conditions, the bones fail to mineralize, and it makes the bones soft and leads to deformities in children. But if you give your child cod liver oil on a regular basis, then it can prevent this kind of situation as the cod liver oil is rich in Vitamin D, which helps in enhancing the bones.

It makes your eyesight sharp.

It is important to protect the eyesight of your kid in the formative years. Cod oil is full of Vitamin A and D, which help in preventing damage to eye sight. Actually, the vitamin A content in the Cod oil can be beneficial for preserving eyesight. Another characteristic of Cod oil is that it is an antioxidant that can help prevent damage to the optic nerve.

Creates a formidable immune system

When your kid is young, the immune system is not well developed, and your kid could be vulnerable to a lot of diseases. Cod liver oil contains a lot of nutrients that can help in boosting the immunity system and can reduce the chances of getting cold, flu, viral fevers and bacterial infections.

So it seems that the fishy smell is not that bad. But remember one thing: excess consumption of Cod liver oil may lead to side effects, so consult a child specialist before introducing Cod liver oil in your kid’s life.