Published By: Darielle Britto

Benefits Of Static Hold Exercise

Here is why this form of exercise may be worth exploring.

Static hold exercises can be done anywhere, anytime. They extend to various parts of the body, which is primarily what makes them so beneficial. When you do a specific static hold exercise for a certain period, it helps to build strength in muscle groups and makes it more tone. More importantly, they could also help to improve your core strength and posture. These exercises should be done for about 45 seconds exercises for three sets. Here are some of the benefits of static hold exercises.

Engages core muscles

A strong core can do wonders for your fitness overall. For one, it helps your body to manage a weight that it can tolerate, as well as improve flexibility and range of motion. These particular forms of exercises can engage muscles that can oftentimes be missed cardio exercises.

May help you maintain muscular strength

Want to feel strong and have muscle definition? Give static hold exercises a try. Do a little research to know how many times you need to do them to achieve the best results. When you increase a bit of tension in the muscle, it is an indication of increasing strength in that area.

May help to improve your posture

Static hold exercises could be beneficial to your neck, back, and shoulder blades. The position your holding causes tension in the areas. This could have a beneficial impact when done the right way to improve your posture.

May prevent or reduce risk of injury

Overusing or training in excess could have an impact on a specific muscular area, which could cause inflammation or injury. Static hold exercises could help to warm up the muscles before performing more challenging movements to reduce the risk of injury. Raise your body temperature before doing strenuous workouts.

Different types of static hold exercises


Squats are extremely good for the lower body and core. When the muscles between your mid-torso and mid-thighs are strengthened, it helps to better support the spine and maintain good posture.


Performing a bridge pose helps to activate the glutes. It is good to do as a warm-up before you do exercises that work your hamstrings, glutes and lower back.


A plank pose is an upper body exercise that requires many muscle groups to work together to the spine. Make sure to maintain proper position of the shoulders and hips while doing this pose.