Published By: Urbee Sarkar

Best House Party Games For Adults

Adulting 101: having civilised and organised house parties but not taking the fun out of it!

Often people associate fun at a party with drinking games, but sometimes you just want to tone down the crazy while also not missing out on the fun. You are allowed to have fun at adult house parties and not have to worry about cleaning up the booze fest later. If you are a responsible and organised adult who wants to kick the house party game up a notch and be the most happening adult around the block, here are some suggestions.

Mystery Word

This game is a little tricky but a fun one to play, especially at the start of the party. Take two pots and have everyone put in their names in one pot and a silly word or phrase or sentence in the other one. Each person around the table takes turns to pick a name and a word or phrase from each of the pots. The person has to work the word or the phrase they pulled out into a conversation with the other person who name they picked out. The catch: they can’t let the other person figure out the chosen word or phrase.

Guess The Word

This one’s a fairly popular game but a great crowd pleaser. Have a pot that contains names of random things. It could be names of animals, celebrities, movies or whatever. Divide the room into groups. One person from each group picks up a name and displays it to their group members by placing it on their forehead and without looking at it. The members of the team have to describe the word to the player within a certain time limit. If the person guesses correctly, the team gains a point and the pot moves to the next group.

Two Truths And A Lie

This is a classic and is, in fact, great for all age groups. The game provides for a fun ice breaker and would help your guests to gel in better. The rules are simple –each person takes turn to make three statements about themselves. Two of them have to be true and one a lie. The rest of the participants then try to guess which of the statements are true and which one is a lie. The categories can be anything starting with achievements to food, family and more.