Published By: Sougata Dutta

Best Treasure Hunting Novels of All Time

These Novels can Give You Extreme Thrill

People of all ages always love to read literature about treasure hunting.There is really no shortage of books written about treasure hunting in the world of literature. I am sharing some information about some of the best novels and stories in it.

Edgar Allan Poe's Famous Story, "The Gold Bug": Although we decided to talk about the novel, let's start with a story by Maestro "Edgar Allan Poe" before the journey. The narrator, the unfortunate "William Legrand", and his servant find a golden beetle that traces the hidden treasure of a notorious pirate.There are a number of things that can happen to reach toward treasure trove that can give you the thrill of a typical treasure hunting novel.In this story, the author has applied cryptogram or cryptography to the hidden treasure sign and some other places. The story was published in 1843 and gained much acclaim and fame.

Susan Cooper's "Over the Sea, Under Stone'': Many people may have heard about Cooper's" Dark is Rising "series of novels written for children.The three siblings who come to visit uncle's house by the sea, discover a coastal map that indicates a treasure. Then who can stop the curious minds of the children? They start searching and I don't want to reveal what happened next.

Enid Blyton's Novel "Five on a Treasure Island": George, Anne, and Julian and the other two children took shelter on an old ship in the midst of a catastrophe while traveling on an island called Kirrin.There they find a hidden treasure map. They are attacked and attacked by some people, but they are able to reach the goal in the end. The novel became very popular among children after it was published in 1942.A television serial has also been made on this novel.

"Treasure Island" by Robert Louis Stevenson : I hope many have heard the name of this famous treasure hunting novel and may have seen the movie even if they have not read it.The adventures of young "Jim Hawkins" are bound to amaze you if you are also a young adventure lover. Filled with interesting characters and thrilling emotions, the novel is a must-read treasure hunting novel, published in 1883 under the title "The Sea Cook: A Story for Boys".