Published By: Ishani Karmakar

Bilona Ghee And Its Benefits

Ghee has been consumed in India for centuries. The traditional way of making this aromatic elixir required a lot of manual effort and was slow. Modern methods are quicker and more automated. However, the modern process has largely reduced the nutritional value and health benefits of ghee.

What is the traditional method of preparing ghee? And why do people keep returning to it? This article will tell you more about the Bilona or traditional method of making ghee, and why it is superior to regular processed ghee.

The Bilona Method For Ghee Making

The Bilona method is named after "Bilona", a wooden beater that has been used for making butter from curd since ancient times. Bilona churning, a 3000-year-old technique, is mentioned in our Epics and Vedas. Bilona Ghee For Better Health

Vitamins and antioxidants

Bilona Ghee has more nutrition than commercially produced ghee. It has a higher level of vitamins A, E and D than commercially produced ghee.

More essential fatty acids

Ghee from Bilona contains essential Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9 and Butyric fatty oils in a greater amount than in processed ghee.

Improved cognitive skills and growth

DHA, or Docosahexaenoic acids, is essential for the growth of children's memory and understanding. For appropriate growth in kids, bilona butter, especially cow bilona butter, is recommended.

Keeps your heart healthy

Bilona ghee increases good cholesterol. Its Vitamin K2 content helps to reduce the risk of blockages due to calcium deposits in the arteries. For a healthy heart, you should consume pure desi bilona ghee.

Better for inflammation

Bilona ghee contains more Butyric acid, which is known to reduce inflammation in the gut. Bilona ghee has more Omega 3 and Omega 6 fat acids, which reduce swelling.

Balances hormones Bilona Ghee is nutrient-rich and recommended for hormone balance. It is effective in treating thyroid issues.

Better digestive health Bilona ghee contains short-chain fatty acids that help prevent malignant diseases in the colon and intestines. Ghee made with Malai can be difficult to digest so it is not recommended for children.

Recommendation for weight loss

Bilona ghee's DHA and CLA content help you lose weight by increasing metabolism.

Has Healing properties

Bilona ghee can be used to treat skin conditions such as sunburns, swelling, cuts and wounds. It can also be used to treat frizzy hair problems.

Detoxifies your body

Bilona Ghee balances pitta, vata and kapha and helps to eliminate toxins.

Suits lactose-intolerant people

People with lactose allergies can eat bilona, particularly cow ghee, since milk solids have been eliminated.