22 July, 2024

Learn The Yogic Breathing Practice That Is Believed To Help Remove ‘Used Air’ From Lungs

Explore Kapalabhati Pranayama, a dynamic yogic breathing technique believed to ...
27 May, 2024

International Yoga Day: Celebrating the Benefits of Yoga & Local Events

Why don't you unroll your mat and unwind your mind ...
18 March, 2024

Yoga Overload – Recognizing the Signs and Preventing Potential Risks

Yoga, a practice that dates back thousands of years, has ...
03 October, 2023

Reset your sleep pattern with Yoga Nidra and other sleep therapies

Tired of tossing and turning all night, desperately searching for ...
06 March, 2023

Meditation For The Modern World

You may or may not know this – but meditation ...
01 February, 2023

5 Beginner Yoga Poses To Get You Through Your First Class

Yoga is one of the best workouts to improve overall ...
20 January, 2023

Skin Secrets: How To Improve The Look Of Your Skin With Meditation

Meditation is a great way to learn to control your ...
23 June, 2022

The Significance Of OM In Yoga And Meditation

The sound 'OM,' while simple to pronounce, carries a profound ...
26 April, 2022

Different Yoga styles around the world.

Yoga have spread all across the world and is no ...