Published By: Sohini

Check out few smallest creatures exist in the world

Have you ever wondered what the smallest animal would look like? If you are interested to know, then you have come to the right place

Undoubtedly we, human beings are much smaller in terms of size and strength than so many different species existing on this earth. But there are a hell lot of creatures who are smaller than us as well. Some are even smaller than the size of our palms. While we have a general thought that bigger is better, the smallest animals have proved that they can survive better because they need fewer resources, and because of their size, they can hide in order to protect themselves from danger. So in this article, we are going to discuss some of such smallest creatures in the following points –

Paedophryne amauensis, the smallest known frog species

This smallest species of frog has been found in Papua New Guinea by the herpetologist Christopher Austin in the year 2009. This frog can grow up to 7.7mm only but the sound it makes is very high. This high-pitched sound helps it to get an idea about its whereabouts. But because of their size, it’s almost impossible to trace them. The interesting fact about them is that they don’t go through the tadpole phase, as they start living their lives from the very adult stage.

Paedocypris, the smallest fish ever found

Paedocypris is the smallest fist, found in the swamps and streams of the Southeast Asian islands of Borneo, Sumatra, and Bintan. Two species of this fish are ever to date and it measures approximately 7.9mm. It grows by having plankton in the pools of extremely acidic water. The interesting fact about them is the development of pelvic fins in males. Presently, this smallest fish is suffering from an existential crisis due to the rapid destruction of the Indonesian swamps.

Thorius arboreus, the smallest known salamander

It is also known as Arboreal minute salamander which belongs to the family Plethodontidae. The name is derived from the Latin word ‘arbor’ which means tree, a habitat of the animal species. Located in the Sierra de Juarez, Oaxaca, and Mexico, this species measures around 16 to 20 mm in snout length. Its head is wide but its snout is bluntly pointed.

So, these are all about some of the world’s tiniest creatures. Though they are not very rare, surely they surprise us with their size and appearance.