Published By: Satavisha

Clever Tips That Can Help Slash Your Air Conditioning Bills

This summer, you can keep your home cool without worrying about spending an astronomical amount on your electricity bill.

There are many economical ways of staying cool while saving money. But when the sweltering summer heat hits, we turn to our air conditioners and crank them up. It is essential to learn clever tips to slash your AC bills so that you can keep yourself cool all day without burning a hole in your wallet. Check out the tips below to eliminate energy wastage and money.

Keep your windows covered.

In general, nearly 30 percent of the cooling or heating energy of a house is lost through its windows. Use mesh-like window screens or solar screens to trap the heat energy emitted by the sun before it enters the house through your windows.

Set the correct default temperature.

Air conditioners are now manufactured with 24°C as their default temperature, but earlier the default temperature was 20°C. Studies have revealed that for every one-degree rise in temperature, nearly 6 percent of electricity is saved. At lower temperatures, the compressors work longer, surging your energy consumption. So running your AC at its default temperature can help you save electricity.

Service your AC

An inefficient AC will surge your cooling costs. It is essential to maintain your AC unit. For starters—during summer—you should replace or clean the AC filters every two months. Filters require more frequent replacement or cleaning if you own a furry pet or your house is exposed to a lot of dust. A dirty or clogged filter obstructs airflow and lowers the unit’s efficiency.

Keep the AC unit covered.

If you have your AC unit fitted outside in the sun, it will not run half as well as if it was installed in a shaded or covered area. You may use an awning or some other form of covering to prevent the unit from overheating.

Run the ceiling fan with your AC to slash energy consumption.

When the air conditioner is running, turn on the ceiling fan. Together, the AC and fan will keep your room well-ventilated—properly circulating the cool air in every corner. Also, this hack will not require you to run the AC at very low temperatures. For minimum energy consumption and efficient cooling, turn on the fan first and drive out the warm air from your room, and then turn on the AC.

When the mercury rises, swear by these tips to control your energy usage at home.