Published By: Sohamhalder227

Cow's milk: myths debunked

Despite its creamy exterior and excellent taste, cow's milk is associated with numerous misconceptions.

Since a child's birth, milk is considered the staple food. Even if you don't like it, your parents will naturally force you to drink some milk. Milk is truly an exciting superfood. It provides you with a lot of energy and nutrients. Apart from processed milk, natural milk obtained from cows has really high demand worldwide. However, there is some nonsensical pseudoscience associated with cow's milk. Let's debunk those myths.

Myth: Human body is not designed to digest cow's milk.

Fact: Digestion of any type of milk depends on genetics. If any person is suffering from lactose intolerance, that person can never digest any type of milk. If you are not suffering from lactose intolerance, then you can easily digest cow's milk. It has been found that most lactose-intolerant people live in African and Asian countries. These persons are unable to digest any type of milk product.

Myth: Consumption of cow's milk will make you obese.

Fact: Weight gain depends on calorie consumption and genetic condition. If you consume excess calories than natural requirements, it will automatically make you fat. Undeniably, the fat content in cow milk is higher than other processed milk available on the market. But, they contribute very less to your weight gain. Only milk cannot make you obese.

Myth: You will get acne frequently after consuming cow's milk.

Fact: For quite a long time, dairy products have been blamed for worsening various health conditions. Many people believe that the consumption of cow's milk is the only reason behind acne formation. But, this is not true. The principle of acne formation has no link with cow's milk. There are separate groups of microorganisms responsible for acne formation. They are also not related to enzymes required for the digestion of cow's milk.

Myth: Cow's milk contains a lot of hormones.

Fact: This is another popular misconception about cow's milk. This myth came into existence due to the insertion of hormones inside the cow's body. Under several health conditions, cows are pumped with hormones. However, these hormones are easily absorbed inside the body to perform required functions. While extracting milk from a cow, no traces of hormones are found.

Myth: You might observe pus in Cow's milk.

Fact: Pus comprises white blood cells from infected wounds. Scientifically, cow's milk contains some white blood cells from the immune system. These cells are completely different from those white blood cells obtained from pus. White blood cells from cow's milk are helpful against bacterial infections in the human body. You can consume cow's milk without any worries.

Myth: Cow's milk contains antibiotics

Fact: This is another popular myth about cow's milk. Cows are treated with antibiotics sometimes. But, that doesn't mean those antibiotics will come directly into the milk. Those antibiotics follow the usual digestion process and leave the body. So they cannot come in contact with milk.

Cow's milk is a good source of calcium, vitamins, protein, and minerals. Thus, you can drink cow's milk daily.